Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hearts United

In January of 2010 my dear friend Nilton called me to ask me about starting a mission group. He asked for advice on a name for the group, a theme verse, and a vision. At the time I thought he was crazy. I couldn't imagine how he was going to start a ministry from nothing and have money to support it, especially in Peru. I thought it was a ridiculous idea to gather your group of friends and call it a ministry. I was upset that this group was taking away from time he and I once spent chatting, watching movies via Skype, and worshiping the Lord together through Bible reading and song. However, now it is July 2011, and I am seeing great things come from this group. I'm understanding the mission of the ministry, and I'm seeing results through people I've come into contact with along the way.

The mission of Hearts United is love and serve people, show them new ways to worship (aside from traditional churches which are found in many parts of Peru), draw them into a passionate relationship with the Lord, and build them up to stand strong in their faith. Wherever we go, Nilton can be found talking with people, spreading the word of Hearts United, and extending the love of Christ.

Today we went to Manchay to help at the Oasis (a branch of Kids Alive that provides day care to children not old enough to attend school and a homework club for children after school). Upon arriving we sat down for lunch with a few of the workers there. Nilton was talking with them about the mission of the Oasis, as it was his first time there. He was sharing with them his mission for Hearts United, and we found common ground on the fact that children are our future. We talked about how we need to raise them up to love the Lord with all their heart, mind, and soul. We discussed the need for children and youth ministries, and events to gather jovenes (adolescents) and teach them about God's love.

It's been an amazing experience to be here and serve with Hearts United through the Creativity Workshop, and our trip to Huacho. I have enjoyed understanding the ministry a bit more, and I am amazed at how quickly it has taken off. Hearts United has many facets in which ministry is done, and it continues to grow a little bit each day. I know God has great things in store for Nilton and the other members of Hearts United. I'm excited to see it expand throughout the years to come.

 Ulises & Nilton helping with homework.

 My dear Fatima...she remembered me :)
 Children of ages 3 & 4 practicing their 
dance for the Independence Day celebration.

My dear friend Mary.
She teaches the 3 & 4 year olds :)

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