Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Family, Friends, and People on the Street

It's been an interesting few weeks around here. I'm struggling with friendships and connecting with people who once were close friends of mine. Peruvians are notorious for saying they want to hang out with you, but then they fail to coordinate a time to get together. Some people even go as far as scheduling a time to hang out, but then cancelling at the last minute. It's quite frustrating at times, and I've noticed it seems to be worse this year than in previous years. I know I've changed {for the better I hope}, and I know their lives have changed as well. I do my best to be understanding, but there comes a point when it's best to simply quit trying.

With that being said, God has blessed me with the opportunity to build deeper friendships with a few individuals who have been dear friends of mine for quite some time. I'm thankful for these friends who have been there for me in recent weeks through my grandfather's sickness and the times when I just need someone to go out and do something with. I'm grateful for friends who have truly invested in my life and who have given me opportunities to invest deeper in theirs.

I've crossed a few missionaries on the street on my walks to and from school, and God has placed other random encounters with people along the way as well. A few weeks ago at church the lady sitting next to me randomly asked me if I was Peruvian. From there the conversation spiraled into why I was here, where I work, and how long I'm staying. I learned that her daughter is attending the school I where I used to teach, and she was looking for a better fit for her as she was seeking a higher level of English instruction. I had the opportunity to share a little about my faith last Friday at school when asked what Christians believe about free will by a colleague of mine, and I engaged in conversation with a taxi driver last week over his Christian music choice on my ride home.

It's been hard to be away from my family while my grandpa was on life support last week. I kept thinking back to my first move here in 2009 when my other grandfather passed away the day I left the U.S. unexpectedly. However, my heart fluttered yesterday when my mom informed me that he has decided he would like to be baptized when he gets out of the hospital. He still has a long road to recovery, but I firmly believe the prayers of everyone surrounding our family brought this miracle to my grandfather. It's been our prayer for years to see our relatives saved, and God has heard our prayers.

Our God is an awesome God. Things may not always go the way we think they should, but God always has the best things in mind for us. A year ago, I never would have imagined my life the way it is today. However, at this moment in time, I can't imagine it any other way. Even when people let me down, I can't help but smile knowing that my life is full of people who care about me here and back in the States. I have been blessed beyond what I deserve, and I'm thrilled to see what the future holds.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The Story of the Mouse

I've received quite a few contacts asking for the story of the mouse. Is he out of my house yet? How did I get him? etc. Let me start by saying, he's still hiding in my kitchen, and he's a genius!

I'm honestly not sure how he even got in. My guess is that we've been cohabiting since I moved in. He's good at hiding, and just happened to be spotted Tuesday morning when I was running out the door for work. I was already running late, so I walked into the kitchen with the intention of grabbing a granola bar, but with the squeak of the door he went running. I screamed (which was unfortunate for my friend who was on the phone with me at the time), grabbed a granola bar, and I stepped out of my kitchen quickly, closing the door behind me. {You have no idea how thankful I am to have that door between my kitchen and the rest of my apartment. At first I found it annoying; however, now, it is a necessity to ensure the mouse doesn't leave his living quarters.}

After school, I told my landlords that I had spotted a mouse. They tried to tell me they've never seen mice here and that everything was cleaned very well before I moved in so the chance that a mouse was actually spotted was very slim. After insisting that I had seen one, they came up to my apartment, and we searched everywhere. We even disconnected the stove and pulled everything out to check behind and underneath it, and we still didn't find the thing. I'm pretty sure my landlords thought I was crazy. I was hopeful that somehow he had snuck out during the day.

Wednesday evening we put a mouse trap down with cheese. Thursday morning when I awoke I checked, and sure enough the cheese was gone, but the intelligent little mouse didn't even set the trap off. I talked with my landlords again Thursday evening, and they decided to put a harder cheese on the trap so that the mouse would have to work to get it off.

Sure enough Friday morning the trap had been deactivated and the cheese was thrown to the side. A sure sign that the mouse had attempted to get the cheese, but somehow got away before the trap snapped on him. I didn't bother with it Friday, but Saturday morning the cheese was missing and the trap left in the same distraught position I had found it Friday morning.

Currently, I'm calling him my pet mouse. He isn't a bother as long as I keep food off my counter; however, I still do not approve of his living here. I think a friend is going to bring me poison to put down to kill him since my landlords refuse to do such thing. At this point, I'm more fearful of finding him dead and having to dispose of him than his hiding somewhere in my kitchen.

And I was afraid the cockroaches would be my problem...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dust, Mice, and Dirty Dishes

Some days I catch myself complaining about the little things I miss about being back home in the States. I miss having hot water when I turn on the faucet to wash dishes, earwigs as opposed to mice, and a carpet and a vacuum rather than tile, a mop and a broom. Instant coffee doesn't taste the same as Mocha from my Keurig, and I always turn on the gas but neglect to actually light the oven. I find myself saying, "You know what I don't like?" quite often, but Tuesday a friend put things into perspective for me when he asked, "What do you like?"

I think the honeymoon phase is over. I'm reaching the point when normally I'd be returning to the States and putting to use all of the things I was missing during my month long summer visit to Peru. However, this year it's different. I think it's settling in that the luxuries of home are a distant memory. After the conversation with my friend on Tuesday, I decided it was time to focus on the positive, the good things in life here.

I have a very suitable place to live with running water, electricity, internet, and cable.
I have food in my cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer.
I have a wide variety of clothes to wear.
I have a job that pays well so that I am able to pay down on my debt.
I have friends who care for me and check in on me regularly.
I have a family who will fight for me no matter what, even when I'm a continent away.

God's really been working on my heart recently, humbling me and breaking me as I realize the blessings that have been bestowed upon my life. We don't realize how much we take for granted until it's gone or until we meet those who live much simpler lives than we ourselves do. I've really been having to put things into perspective, and I'm doing my best to think twice before I speak negative words.

Despite missing some of the comforts of home, I could not be happier at this moment in time. God is working in some pretty incredible ways in my life, and I am beyond excited to see how He guides and directs me in the upcoming weeks, months, and years. God is beyond faithful, and even when we can't see it He has the best in store for each of His dear children. A year ago, I never would have imagined I'd be where I am today, but God had something different in mind. Now I've officially been in Peru one month and two days, and I somedays still wonder if I'm going to wake up from this crazy, wonderful dream.

God is so Good!!