Monday, July 25, 2011

Dios Tiene Un Proposito Para Mi

What an amazing three weeks I have had. If you've kept up with my blog, you can see that I've been very busy. With trips to Cuzco and Huacho, time with the kids in Manchay, and late nights with friends, I've barely been able to catch a break to put my feet up and relax. However, as exhausted as I feel, I would not trade the spectacular time I've had for any amount of sleep I'm lacking.

As type, I'm sitting on a bus headed 18 hours north of Lima to the city of Mancora. I'm excited to have a week to relax on the beach before returnig to the U.S. but I was also very sad to have to once again say good-bye to my dear friends in Lima. My heart is heavy, and my mind isn't sure what to think. It's odd to have already said my good-byes but still be in this great nation for another week. Please continue to pray for me as I take this week to reflect over my time here, pray over God's will for my life, and enjoy the beach with my friend Cassandra (from the United States).

My friends are already asking when I'll be back next year. Some of my friends have even tried to suggest missions organizations or schools where I could come and serve. I shed some tears as I talked with a dear friend the other night about the passions of my heart and the timing of the Lord. He also shared with me the calling he feels towards missions and the Lord's work in his life. I'll miss intimate, spiritual conversations when I return to the States. I'll miss late night walks and the unique scent of this country. Most of all, I will miss the amazing relationships I've built here and the friends who have become like family.

I cannot help but trust that I will be back in the Lord's timing.

Te Amo Peru!!!

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