Sunday, April 24, 2011

Christ is Risen

I can honestly say I haven't been much of a Christian music junkie since junior high or even elementary school. Of course, I listen to it off and on, and during college I found a few bands in which I took particular interest, but to turn on the radio and listen to a Christian radio station...that just isn't me. Or maybe I should say wasn't me. Something changed in my life this year. God began to call me out on areas of my life that needed work. One of those things being the music I listen to day in and day out.

For the month of February I challenged myself to only listen to Christian music (when I was in charge of the radio dial or music selection). Though I fought many temptations to turn to a secular song selection during those 28 days, I was amazed at my transformed attitude and view of life throughout each day. Rather than humming pointless tunes, and often times less than wholesome lyrics, my mind was filled each day with promises and reminders of how great God is. February came and went, and I decided to continue this challenge through March adding in one day a week when I could choose any music I wanted.

As Easter approached, I was amazed at how many songs spoke of the sacrifice Christ suffered for our atonement. I have fallen in love with these songs and the reminder they give. I've cried to a few of them, and I've shared lyrics with struggling friends. I've even used them as witnessing tools to explain the gift God freely gave us. Here's a few of my favorites that played on repeat today.

Glorious Day (Casting Crowns)

Christ is Risen (Matt Maher)

I Will Rise (Chris Tomlin)

Christ is risen from the dead. It is a glorious day, and because of his sacrifice we should rise and proclaim HIS name among the nations.


Now April is nearly over, and I can honestly say, 95% of the time, I choose Christian music on my own without giving it a second thought.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

God is so Good!!

Many times recently I've been put in my place and forced to give thanks to God for the blessings He has poured out on my life. For far too long I had become complacent in my faith. I continued my church attendance (when I'm in town on the weekend), read my Bible (if I didn't fall asleep at night first), and I'd say a prayer here or there as it was convenient. For so long, things have been going well for me, and I seemed to "forget" that I still needed to build and develop my relationship with Christ.

Through multiple situations recently, I've been reminded of my need for Jesus in my life, and my life that was going okay has gotten so much better! Jesus doesn't need me to accept Him as my Savior; rather the opposite is true, and I should be grateful that He ACCEPTS me. I am so thankful that even when I become complacent, God never leaves my side, and He never gives up on me. Even when I don't think I need Him, He is there watching out for me.

Let me share with you just a few of the praises God has given me in just the last month.

  • Money/job for the summer: You see, I had been praying about traveling to Peru for the month of July for a while, but I never dreamed it would be a reality. Not knowing, yet, whether or not I will have a teaching job next year, the responsible side of me felt that I should stay in the States and work for the summer. However, God kept saying, "Go to Peru." I tried to pass it off as a crazy idea, but when the director of LYNC (the summer program I work for) was able to negotiate a salary comparable to what I make in a normal summer working full-time, I knew it was God preparing the path for my return to Peru.
  • A traffic warning vs a ticket: A few weeks ago I was pulled over by a state police for going 12 over (57 in a 45 m.p.h. zone). I knew for sure I was toast. As I gave the officer my license and registration, I panicked thinking the price of a ticket may interfere with my ability to buy a ticket to return to Peru. I prayed that the cost for a speeding ticket would not interfere with this, and when the officer returned, he let me off with a warning. I was shocked and so thankful to Jesus for yet again preparing the path for my return to Peru.
  • Cheap flight ticket: I've been watching flight prices since January waiting for the price to drop. Unfortunately, the rise in gas prices has caused major inflation in the airline industry. When I saw that the cheapest tickets were still over $1000, I was once again unsure whether returning to Peru was the right thing to do. Then one night I came across a website that sells cheaper tickets to "youth" 25 years of age and younger. I found a round-trip flight for $665...only $17 more than what I paid last year. I knew this was a God thing. I prayed about Peru for another week, and later bought my ticket certain that God had again prepared the path before me. (I just checked flight prices again out of curiosity...they are up $100 from just last Saturday.)
These are only a few things God has done in the last month that have drawn me back to Him. While I never technically "walked away" my relationship with Him was lacking. However, He never left my side, and He continued to pour into my life revealing His plan for me one day at a time. While I'm still unsure what my life will bring come August, I know that God is in control, and He is preparing the way. I am in complete awe of my Father in Heaven, and I am falling more in love with Him each moment.