Sunday, March 24, 2013

Common World Themes

Did you know that as of 2010, the average yearly income per person in the United States was $47,440? Can you imagine living in a nation where the average yearly income was less than that? What about living in a nation with an average yearly income of $10,000, $5,000, or $1,000 per person?

As I have been reading the last few weeks I have been amazed that in Cambodia (Asia) the average yearly income is a mere $823. In Burkina Faso (Africa) the average person makes about $578 per year, and in  Burundi (Africa) the average person brings home about $138 each year. Of course, we all would say, "Well things cost less in those places." And yes, that is typically true, but have you visited any of these places and seen how these people live? They don't have fancy cars or multiple room houses. They may not even have a proper floor. The roof probably leaks when it rains, and dirt and dust cover clean clothes when they are hung out to dry. Microwaves are few and far between if they exist at all, and food is typically purchased one day at a time in order to ensure it doesn't rot before being used due to a lack of refrigeration.

Think about your grocery budget or the amount you pay for entertainment purposes. How much do your clothes and other things cost? Most likely you spend (in total) more in a month than most people in the countries above make in a year. I know I do!

My eyes are opening a bit more and more to this world as I continue to read about nation upon nation and the pain and brokenness that many of my brothers and sisters around the world. It seems as if even the wealthiest of nations that I've read about in recent weeks (Bermuda & the British Virgin Islands) suffer from the corruption of sin similar to the sins suffered in the poorest of nations.

drugs         GANG VIOLENCE         ROBBERY         VIOLENCE     persecution of christians              SEX ABUSE     PROSTITUTION          illegitemate children           ABORTION     GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION     spiritism     CHILD LABORERS

My heart breaks as I am convicted over and over again that I do not thank God enough for the blessings He has bestowed upon my life. I have it made here in the United States. Even when money is "tight" in my mind, it is nothing in comparison to the "tightness" others around me may be feeling. There is always enough for my needs, and sometimes a little extra for the fun things. I have food in my pantry, I have clothes that I don't wear, and I have decor in my house that is pleasant. I have parents who love me and support me, and I have friends that make me laugh and listen to me when I just need a ear to hear me jabber. I AM BLESSED! And when I count my blessings, I realize that I have nothing left to complain about. My cup runneth over with gratitude and joy, and I find peace because I know that my God is a God of love and He cares for me. 

Here are the countries I've been praying for since my last update, and I've given just one interesting fact to accompany each one. Enjoy!

Bermuda (North America)- Bermuda has a strong Christian heritage, however Christianity by appearance takes priority over true, genuine religion.

Bhutan (Asia) - 23% of the population lives in poverty and it is one of the world's least evangelized countries, yet Bhutan is rated one of the world's happiest countries.

Bolivia (South America) - Bolivia is ranked the poorest country in South America, and cocaine is one of its most profitable crops (although illegal). 67% of the population is under the age of 30; almost all boys have used drugs while most girls face sex abuse. 

Bosnia (Europe) - Due to a long cycle of violence, this nation suffers from deep wounds needing to be healed.

Botswana (Africa) - Botswana has the world's 2nd highest prevalence of AIDS. More than 100,000 children are orphaned due to the AIDS endemic. 

Brazil (South America) - Brazil has the world's highest rate of firearm homicides and is the 2nd highest consumer of illicit drugs. Over 8 million children are considered at risk to drug abuse, prostitution, and gang violence, 7 million children are child laborers, and approximately 600,000 girls are involved in prostitution. 

British Indian Ocean Territory (UK) - Original Islanders were forced to leave when this was made a strategic US/UK military base. Islanders are still forbidden to return "home".
British Virgin Islands (Territory of the UK) - Most Islanders profess Christianity and attend church, yet there is an extreme lack of fruit.

Brunei (Asia) - Brunei is one of the riches states in Asia. The constitution guarantees the free practice of other religions aside from Islam, yet this is not carried out. Evangelism is illegal and foreign Christian workers are not permitted in the country. 

Bulgaria (Europe) - Bulgaria is facing strong corruption and powerful organized crime, poverty, divorce, and abortion rates. Currently it is estimated that there are more abortions than live births. 

Burkina Faso (Africa) - In the last 50 years Christianity has increased by 1.3 million, yet there still remains a very real spirit world dominated by idolatry, fetishism, and secret societies. 

Burundi (Africa) - The current president of Burundi is a professing born again Christian. While evangelical growth by holistic ministry is key, there has been a rise in violent crimes, armed robbery and corruption (bribery). 

Cambodia (Asia) - Church growth from 0.07% in 1985 to 3.5% as of 2010 due to great responsiveness to the gospel after years of suffering. Cambodia's children are at risk - Over 100,000 are sold into sex trade and 1.5 million children are considered child laborers. Cambodia has one of Asia's highest HIV rates due to prostitution and the increasing drug trafficking. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

B is for Broken

After a sermon on hospitality today at church, we sang the following song in closing. I would encourage you to listen to it, meditate on the lyrics, and pray that God would move you to love more, help more, and invite others in often. In our culture, we're too self focused, and we lock ourselves into our own bubbles. That is the exact opposite of what Peter tells us to do in 1 Peter 4:9 -
Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.

Use my hands, use my feet
To make your kingdom come
To the corners of the earth
Until your work is done
'Cause Faith without works is dead

And I give all myself.
Yes, I give all myself.
And I give all myself... to you.

And I'll follow you into the homes that are broken
Follow you into the world.
Meet the needs for the poor and the needy God.
Follow you into the World.

Who do you rub shoulders with on a daily basis? Who have you rubbed shoulders with in the last week? The last month? When was the last time you invited someone into your home for a meal? When was the last time you helped someone in need? Are you being the hands and feet of Jesus?

Don't take me wrong - I'm not pointing my fingers at you! I'm just as guilty as most of you probably are. My heart is broken for this world, yet I, too, get sucked into my life, my schedule, my work, my...(you fill in the blank). I forget that I don't have to be in Peru to make a difference. I can be Jesus's hands and feet right here in my hometown. I can be His hands and feet in my job every day.

The more I read Operation World Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation, the more my heart breaks for this world. I feel a little piece of me being left with each nation as I pray for it. I feel more empowered to change this world through prayer, and I feel a deeper passion to continue to pray, pray, pray.

This week I spent time in prayer for three nations. See below on how you can continue to be praying for the nations I prayed for this week. 

Belgium (Europe)
  • Answers to Prayer
    • Evangelical faith has never been stronger.
    • There is a developing vision for missions.
  • Challenges for Prayer
    • Belgium is a deeply divided nations. Pray for unity.
    • Catholicism is in rapid decline with atheists and nonreligious on the rise.
    • Rapid secularization has brought liberal laws that undermine the sanctity of life and marriage.
    • Increasing drug use and sexual immorality. 
    • Spiritually one of the most needy in Europe - Spiritual apathy and faith nearly banished from the public sphere.

Belize (Latin America)
  • Belize has the highest cost of living in central America, yet poverty is very widespread.
  • There is a largely professing Christian population, yet only 10% attend church regularly.
    • Syncretism is common - many believe in and practice superstitions, black magic, and paganism from traditional religions.
    • Widespread legalism.
  • HIV/AIDS is a serious threat with a 2.4% infection rate - the highest in Central America.

Benin (Africa)
  • One of the world's poorest countries. 
    • Average yearly income: $828
    • Literacy Rate: 33.6%
    • One of the world's 20 least developed countries.
      • High black market (75%)
      • Child smuggling to other countries for labor by the ten thousands.
    • Great freedom to minister and evangelize.
      • Current leader is an open Christian.
      • Evangelicals have grown from 50,000 in 1980 to over 770,000 in 2010.
      • Christianity is poised to become the main religion, yet many who attend church on Sunday continue to visit witch doctors during the week.
        • Pray for deepened, true faith and discipleship for believers.
  • Media opportunities are highly strategic due to the low literacy rate. Very few Bibles translated into the native language.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Prayer - Finishing Off the A's and on to the Bs

The end of February and the beginning of March have left me busy, worn out, and lacking the desire to blog. However, I haven't quit praying for the nations, and I've had an amazing time studying the book of Daniel and seeing how faithful he was to the Lord despite unpleasant events he faced. He never quit trusting in the Lord, and he prayed with fervency. Reading his passion in the prayers he offered up really challenges me in my prayer life. Honestly, sometimes it turns into a mundane task to be done before going to bed at night. Of course, there are times throughout my day I pray also, but seldom with the passion that is so evident in the life of Daniel.

Sunday evening we had a praise and prayer night at my church. This sort of stemmed from the worship benefit my Bible study did in order to raise money for my Peruvian friend JP. However, this time it wasn't established as a fundraiser but rather a night of praise and prayer, a night to rejoice and thank God for all He has done for us while also offering up prayer on behalf of those in need. Even though the attendance wasn't high, it was an amazing night. I was blessed to hear the voices around me praying in unison in small groups for various situations. Tears were shed, and God moved.

I do believe this year God is teaching me about prayer. Last year, I felt Him calling me to "know" His word, and I decided to do a chronological study of the Bible. This year He's taking that challenge a bit further and challenging me to really dive into the word and study books in depth while also learning passionate prayer. In doing so, I felt called to pray for the nations as a way of holding me accountable for daily prayer and teaching me about intercessory prayer for my brothers and sisters around the world. I feel like a complete failure most days in comparison to Daniel, but I know that the Lord is working on this area of my life, and already I feel the change that is taking place.

It's awesome how God works and moves in so many different ways for so many different people. I'm still awed by the fact that He desires a personal relationship with me even though there are 6 billion (or more) people on this Earth that are probably a lot cooler than I am. I'm nothing special - just a girl who fails Him daily. Yet, despite my flaws, He still chose to die for me. His blood covers my filthy stains left behind by sin. He loves me for me, and He reaches down to me with love, grace, and mercy.

So because I'm behind, I'm not going to list each country with prayer requests that I've been praying for since my last Prayer for the Nations update, but I will give you a list to pray for, and if you would like more information on any one in particular feel free to comment, and I'll give you specific information. Please join me in praying for:

Australia (Pacific) - including Christmas Island and Cocos Islands
Norfolk Island (self governing dependent territory of Australia)
Austria (Europe)
Azerbaijan (Asia)
Bahamas (Caribbean)
Bahrain (Asia)
Bangladesh (Asia)
Barbados (Caribbean)
Belarus (Europe)

Main concerns for prayer would be the devil's movement through intensifying persecution as well as the intertwining of Christianity with secularism and materialism.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Why Go There {Peru}?

When I first learned I'd be moving to Peru later this year, I was quick to share the news with those close to me, and a little hesitant to voice it aloud to those I didn't know so well. I hated all the follow-up questions.
  • Why are you going there? (It has been a dream of mine for quite some time.)
  • Do you not like your job here? (I l...o...v...e my job here, but I feel like this is what God wants me to do.)
  • What will you be teaching when you get there? (3rd and 4th grade English in a private British school.)
  • Where will you live? (I don't know!)
  • Do you have family or a boyfriend there? (Nope!)
Then came the statement, "That's great for you! I'd never be able to do that. You are so brave."

Now, I'm getting used to the shocked faces, the excited responses, and the "you're crazy" conversations. I am starting to enjoy the reactions I get from people, and it has become a great way to openly share my faith.

It's interesting to see the responses I get when I tell people that I feel like moving to Peru is what God wants me to do. Some of them respond with, "Well that's great for you! Good luck!" Others ask further questions. Not too long ago I was asked by a friend of mine how I knew that was God's plan and not just a dream of my own. It was awesome to share with her (she has a very skewed knowledge of the Bible) my certainty that this was God's plan and not my own doing.

It was my dream when I was searching for a job in Peru. I spent two years checking schools online for postings and emailing my resume shortly before the end of each academic year. At that time it wasn't God's plan, it was my own. Now I am confident that this is God's plan because for over a year I hadn't even looked at a Peruvian school webpage. I quit searching on my own, and I told God that if it was what He wanted then He had to open the door. I told God I was done trying to override His plan for my life. It was just a few short months later that God opened the door I had been seeking and hoping for since 2009.

My friend didn't respond much, and recently has informed me that she just isn't sure where her life is headed or what she is supposed to do with herself. It breaks my heart that she doesn't put her confidence in the Lord, but I have hope that my testimony reached her even if in only a small way.

I've been able to share with people about ministry and missions I'm involved with in Peru, and I've realized a deeper passion for the Lord and a greater desire to serve Him in all that I do. No longer do I get annoyed with all of the questions people ask, but I welcome them.

Soon, I'll be in Peru, and I'm sure the taxi drivers will ask me why I'm there. It happens every year. While it may get old answering the same questions over and over again, my hope is that the Lord will use me through this to be a vessel for Him and reach people in this lost and dying world.

My prayer tonight: Take my life and let it be, all for YOU and for YOUR glory! I will not boast in me alone, for I know that it is only by God's grace and His plan that I am able to live this wonderful life I'm living. He is good, and only He is worthy to be praised!

Miracles Do Happen ~ JP Update

First off, by JP's request, I want to thank each and every one of you that has been praying for him. I also want to thank those of you who donated financially to his cause. He's my friend that needed surgery for a hole discovered in his heart; later it was discovered that he also had issues with his kidneys. You can read my translated version of his story here and here. Your part in his "healing" has been very much appreciated, and through it all JP has been able to witness firsthand that God is still in the business of answering prayers and providing miracles. JP's life has been touched by each one of you who prayed for him or helped financially, and he is eternally grateful for the blessing you've been to his life.

I spoke with JP this evening, and I was able to ask how he was feeling now that he's been undergoing the same medical treatment for about a month. In November it was determined that the doctors wouldn't operate on his heart until the problems with his kidneys were resolved. After going to multiple different doctors with no true answers or medical assistance, JP was finally able to visit a doctor of natural medicine near the beginning of this year, and he continues to see him for treatments. This doctor instructed JP to follow an organic diet, and has provided him medicine to regulate the function of his kidneys.

JP informed me tonight as we spoke briefly that he is feeling much better...finally! I then asked him about the situation with his heart. He said that on the last exam, no hole was seen. Praise be to God the ultimate healer! The doctors now believe the symptoms he was facing before were an effect of the poor functioning of his kidneys.

While JP will most likely need to continue taking medications indefinitely, he is currently undergoing rehabilitation to build up his strength once again. He has spent the past months lying in bed or partaking only in minimal activities, so as you can imagine his body is weak. He hopes to return to work soon, of course he'll have to find a new employment first as he was forced to leave his old job when he became unable to work.

Thanks again for all of your prayers! It has been a great testimony to JP to know that he has friend in the USA praying for him; friends he most likely never will meet. This my friends is a true display of the body of Christ in action. God bless you all!