Thursday, July 7, 2011

Comfort Zone??

I've decided this trip is all about stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new things. Although, I've probably thought that very same thing the last four trips I've made to this wonderful country. People and life here is so unique; maybe that's why I like it so much. Rather than sitting around, watching a movie or playing a game of cards, people here go out and share real life together. They talk, they laugh, they cry, they imagine, they create, and they do. They get outside of their daily routines, and they live life to the fullest.

Last night as I laid my head to rest, I was glad to have the entire day today to rest and relax. I took full advantage of that opportunity today, as I have been bouncing from one thing to the next since I arrived. Tonight, I am very thankful I rested today. My friend, Nilton, invited me to go with him to a Creativity Workshop. I wasn't sure what to expect as he described the event as improv; I figured, why not go and have some fun. It couldn't possibly much worse than karaoke was. Haha! Little did I know, during karaoke last evening, I was still able to sit behind the scenes to an extent and watch the activity around me. Tonight, I had no choice but to participate.

 Impromptu pose.

 Improv skits...he told me he didn't love me because I was tall :(

Team building excercise.

Thankfully it was a small group of people, and I did know a few of them. We did everything from team building activities, to impromptu skits, dances, poses, and more (as pictured above). I was definitely out of my comfort zone on most levels, but at the end of the night, I am able to look back and recall how much fun I had.

 My friend, Gisell, after the workshop.

Nilton and me.

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