Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mustard Seed Faith & Asia

Friend: Then I am going to be praying from now until the sun sets and rises again. Will "it" happen?
Me: I hope so. I will pray with the faith of a mustard seed, too. 

This is an exert from a conversation I had recently with a friend. The topic of conversation was pretty light, and actually the "it" we were praying for was that I would be able to be in Peru for a dear friend's Quinceanera (fifteen year old girls' birthday bash). It was doubtful that I would be there due to work and money, but we both honestly wished there were some way it could be made possible. However, me missing the birthday party wasn't all bad. We celebrated my mom's 49th birthday after a slight scare with heart failure in September last year, and a college friend made a surprise visit to Goshen this weekend. I missed the party, yes, but I didn't miss a beat of life by not being there.

After the conversation above with my dear friend, my prayer life was challenged. While we were slightly joking about the prayers we would offer up concerning a weekend trip to Peru, I felt challenged that my prayers overall should be more intense and grounded in true faith that God can and will make things happen {should it be HIS will of course}. Will you join me in praying with the faith of a mustard seed for Asia these next few days?

For the rest of the month, the Operation World prayer focus is set on Asia. Asia is the continent with the fastest growing evangelical population in all the world. Asia has seen dramatic changes since 1900, and I know that the Lord is not finished there yet. While Asia has more evangelical Christians than any other continent, still, 80% of the world's unreached and least reached people groups can be found in there, and Asians face the most intense religious persecution when compared to all other continents around the world. Asia is the only continent where Christianity is not the largest religion, and it is the continent that faces the most challenges for evangelism {despite having the largest evangelical Christian population}.

Here are some of the prayer concerns I have highlighted for this fragile continent that God is placing more and more on my heart:

  • Praises to Note:
    • The increased use of technology is advancing the spread of the gospel. 
    • Remarkable church growth and increasing Muslim converts. 
    • Increased numbers of Middle East Christians feel burdened to reach out to Muslims. 
    • Public congregations present in parts of nearly all Asian countries. {Saudi Arabia and Maldives are the only Asian countries with no public congregations.}
    • The impact of tentmaking missionaries throughout Asia {and the rest of the world} will produce a massive global impact.
    • South Korea produces the 2nd most missionaries than any country in the world. {Only the U.S.A. produces more missionaries than South Korea.}
    • India has more national missionaries than any other nation worldwide.
  • Concerns for Prayer:
    • The rise in prostitution and sex trafficking and AIDS due to a large gender gap created by selective abortions.
    • Uneven economic growth {rich get richer and poor are left behind} leading to potential ecological disasters.
    • Religious freedom - Only five or six Asian countries have genuine, deep-rooted cultures of religious freedom.
    • "Underground" Christians.
    • Persecution of Christians is great throughout Asia. Pray for boldness and wisdom over the lives of our Asian brothers and sister in Christ. Pray for safety and peace.
    •  The spread of the gospel with love, boldness, humility, and wisdom.
    • Unrest in the Middle East causing tensions worldwide. - Arab Spring
    • Stable democratic governments to be set up in all nations.
    • Israel - The Lord's chosen - is currently surrounded by hostile, radical Islamic groups, countries, and governments. Egypt has declared Israel its #1 enemy, and Muslims say a Holy War against Israel is imperative. Iran has continuously threatened to wipe Israel off the map. {See prophecy of Zechariah - Chapter 12}
    • Situation at the Euphrates River - Syria, Iran, Iraq - is the most volatile situation on Earth in our present day. 

Join me for the next week in praying for the continent of Asia. Praise God for the awesome things HE is already causing to take place in the nations of Asia, and pray with faith the size of a mustard seed that God will handle the other situations facing this region. God has a plan for Asia, and through our prayers, I have faith that this world will be changed for the cause of Christ.

 Matthew 17:20 - He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Hollywood vs The Foundation of America

Operation World - Prayer Guide to Every Nation lists "The Americas" as the prayer focus for the next couple of days. The beginning of the year includes prayer for each continent/region before turning the prayer focus toward specific countries. I had to giggle a bit when I noticed that North and South America are grouped together as one continent or region. You see, in Peru, schools teach only five continents - America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. There is no difference between North and South America, and apparently Antarctica doesn't matter because people don't actually live there.

In previous arguments with Peruvian friends, I have backed down because forcing a distinguishable difference between N. and S. America always turns me into appearing superior since I'm from the USA - the land of wealth and prosperity in their minds. It doesn't make sense to them that Mexico is part of N. America even though truly it's people and culture relate more closely to that of S. America. As you can imagine, I no longer argue for 7 continents, I've learned to just nod my head and smile.

As I read through Operation World this week, I like that they break one continent - The Americas -  into three regions rather than two continents. The three regions of the Americas are: North America (USA, Canada, and Greenland), The Caribbean (the islands of the Atlantic and Gulf), and Latin America (Mexico, South America, and all of the smaller countries in between). It makes a lot more sense this way as opposed to our traditional way of creating two continents - one of which includes part of Latin America. I never know if those smaller countries (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, etc.) and the islands of the Caribbean belong with the North or the South anyways. 


Last evening as I read a few pages on prayer for the Americas, there were a few sentences that stuck out to me.

Pray that godly North Americans might continue to engage with the
 needs of the world in a humble, passionate, and informed way. 
Hollywood's portrayal of American life is a perversion of the values
 that made the USA a great nation.

As I read these two sentences, my mind began to wander to all of the corrupt situations surrounding me - not just via Hollywood but through all kind of media. Music, video games, movies, tv shows, news sources, and even conversations with those nearby all tend to demonstrate morals and values that go against the dreams and desires of our founding fathers. 


It's written on our money, it's plastered on the walls of some government buildings, and it some cases it has been used in public speeches. However, do we truly believe it? Is our trust really in GOD or do we trust in the government to fix our problems and keep us safe? Maybe the bigger question is: Does our government truly trust in God, or do they rely on man or other forms of false hope when making decisions that effect each one of us? I have an overwhelming sense of disappointment that we've turned our backs on GOD when it comes to government, and He is left out of many discussions and decisions that take place in Washington, DC. 

I don't think it's appropriate that we continue to ask GOD to bless America when the only time many Americans run to Him occurs during times of extreme heartache and attack. Instead, we should be praying for America to bless God by turning to Him and relying on His guidance as our ancestors have done in the past. 

Rights come from GOD, not government.

This Founding Principle is actually embedded in our Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Again, we as Americans are forcing our government to vote on issues that are clearly stated in the Bible as right or wrong. Our government was created to make and enforce laws to protect the people, not to decide correct moral codes for humanity. Let's look at the biggest {moral} issues facing us currently: abortion and gay marriage. It is not one's right to decide that gay marriage is legal or that abortion is a woman's choice. Those are not rights God has given us; instead, He has clearly stated in His word {the Bible} that both of those are sin. {See the verses below.}


It disappoints me to think how far man has fallen from the beginning of time - beginning with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden over 2000 years ago. Then I think how far America has fallen since it's beginnings 200+ years ago, and my heart breaks for humanity. I am, however, overjoyed that God forgives, His grace covers me and all my filthiness, and His mercy makes me a new creation. He can do the same for you, and I firmly believe that if Christians would unite together in prayer and action, we will see the world, too, change for the better. 



Verses on Homosexuality

Genesis 2:24/Ephesians 5:31 - For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.

Leviticus 20:13 - If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

Romans 1:26-27 - Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 7:2 - But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband.


Verses on Abortion

Psalm 139:13-18 - For you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. How precious to me are your thoughts, God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you.

Psalm 22:9-10 - Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you even at my mother's breast. From birth I was cast upon you; from my mother's womb you have been my God.

Jeremiah 1:4-5 - Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you..."

Job 31:15 - Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?

Monday, January 14, 2013

Prayer Africa & Kisses from Katie

Step #2 to the Operation World Guide to Prayer for the Nations is AFRICA! Africa is the continent with the largest and fastest growing evangelical population in the world. There is a lot happening in Africa to praise the Lord for, but there is still much to be prayed for.

  • Praises:
    • Growing evangelical population.
    • African churches are strong on scriptures and outreach. They are expectant of miracles, fervent in prayer, and courageous against the powers of darkness. 
    • Growing mission force.
  • Concerns for Prayer
    • 40% illiteracy rate - greatest challenge for Bible translation.
    • Government corruption, war, child soldiers, LRA
    • Widespread disease - Malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB, malnutrition
    • Middle East conflicts
    • Poverty - Africans have begun to form dependence on others to "help out" rather than seeking to help themselves. (Sounds like the direction the U.S.A. is headed actually.)
    • Displacement of Africans and human trafficking which results in a drive to get to a "better life".
    • Needs within the church:
      • discipleship
      • evangelism to Muslim world.
      • Leaders and effective pastoral and leadership training programs
      • Funds to send and support missions
      • Clear understanding of holistic ministry (spiritual, emotional, and physical) as well as a thorough acceptance of Christ's salvation and the repentance of sin.

God must have had a hug sense of humor when a friend told me I should read the book Kisses from Katie at the same time I was praying for Africa. You see, while I cherish missionaries to Africa and I marvel at the landscapes and I my heart breaks for the people, I've honestly never had much of a desire to travel to Africa. I'd rather stick to South America and the needs there. However, after reading Kisses from Katie and learning more about Africa through Operation World my interest in this part of the world has been sparked. I'm still not sure I'd choose Africa over South America if given the opportunity, but my ears may perk up a bit higher now when Africa is mentioned in conversation.

Last evening as I prayed for Africa, I prayed to live a life of impact just as Katie Davis has. I may not be moving to Uganda or adopting 13 children, but I am moving to Peru to teach 25+ children for 3 years. Beyond that, I have no idea what the Lord has in store for my life. However, I do know that His plans for my life are greater than anything I could ever ask for or imagine, and I'm excited to see what the future holds.

Pray for the Nations - Step #1 The World

One thing I've committed to do this year is to pray for the nations - every continent, every country, every people group. I will keep myself on track using the Operation World book shown above, and I will journal about each country as I go. Throughout the year, I also plan to blog about each nation as I pray - maybe one at a time or maybe a few all at once. I'm doing this not to gloat upon myself, but rather to encourage you to be in prayer with me for our world.

As the year draws on, I would challenge you, my dear readers, to also be in prayer for the nations. Every day, every hour, every minute we are that much closer to the end. While it is nearly impossible for each one of us to travel to every country witnessing about the love of our Lord, prayer is possible. Prayer is powerful, and it is one of our most vital weapons against Satan and the power of darkness in this world.

We're only 14 days into the new year, and already I am feeling blessed through the prayers I've offered up for my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I've learned so much already about the world around me through the information provided in Operation World. I'm feeling more and more encouraged about the world around me rather than focusing on the negative that surrounds me via the news, internet, and other media sources.

The first section of prayer begins with generalized prayer for THE WORLD. Some of the information that sticks out to me about the prayer needed for our world are as follows:

  • Praises:
    • Currently there are Christians in every nation.
    • Increased ministry efforts have lead to growth of evangelical Christianity.
    • God is alive and still works in the world on a regular basis.
  • Concerns for Prayer:
    • 24-27% of the world's population have not heard the gospel presented in a meaningful way.
    • Traditional Christians need an understanding of thorough repentance, personal faith, and a relationship with Christ.
    • Christians need to serve others with passion and urgency to spread the gospel with an authentic Biblical love for people. 
    • Conflict in the Middle East
    • "Wars"
      • terrorism
      • human trafficking
      • drug wars
      • globalized spread of disease
    • 1 in 6 people lack access to clean water.
    • Need for discipleship, church leaders and an outward focus to share the gospel.
    • 41% of humanity is counted in the Least reached or unreached category - they are isolated from witnessing Christians and usually difficult to reach.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

In With the New!

As I sit here, on my couch, watching the New Year's Rockin' Eve 2013, I can't help but think of the changes coming in the year 2013 and the goals I have set for myself. As stated in my last post, 2012 was an amazing year, and I have high expectations for this year, too. The year 2012 was definitely my year for growing in the Lord and the Lord advancing His purposes for my life. I expect that 2013 will be no different including a whole new list of experiences and challenges but hopefully also moments of delight and enjoyment.

Upcoming in 2013:

  • I plan to pray for every country around the world using Operation World Prayer Guide to Every Nation. Despite the turmoil, war, and suffering occurring around the world, I have faith that the Lord is crafting each event to His return as laid out in the book of Revelation. While I excitedly await the return of my Savior, I won't sit around allowing the rest of the world to live without knowing Him. As I pray for each nation throughout the year, I will pray for open ears and hearts and a desire to know the only true Lord, Creator of the Universe. I will pray salvation for people of every nation, tribe, and tongue, and I will have faith that the Lord will continue to work against Satan to fight for the human population that He uniquely created with a desire to have a relationship with each person.
  • My best friend is getting married (this weekend actually), and I have the privilege of being her maid of honor. Super excited for Alissa and Josh and the plans God has for them!
  • I am leaving a job I love for a country I love, a ministry that stole my heart, and a job I will hopefully enjoy. You can read more about that here. The negative to this is that it also means I must say good-bye to my family for an extended period of time, but I know without a doubt that this is what the Lord has asked of me. By following His will, I also know without a doubt that blessings and goodness will come from it.
  • Due to the job transfer, I will be spending my first summer since 2010 in the States. This will actually be my first summer since 2010, also since the last two years I've spent the summer in Peru which is actually their winter. I'm super excited to finally have a chance to get a nice dark tan to cover up my current pasty white state. 
  • I will {hopefully} be visiting two places I've never been in the States before...New York City/Philadelphia and Texas! I don't like that 95% of my friends moved out of the area after college, but I do like that it gives me awesome places to go visit! :)

Here's to a fantastic new year, new goals, new experiences, and a deeper understanding of my Lord - His intimate love and His plans for my life. Blessings to all of you, my dear readers!