Saturday, September 1, 2012

Little Did We Know

The Background Info

A little over a month ago, I witnessed God's protection in a way I'd never before experienced. I saw my life flash before my very eyes as gunshots were fired at my friends and I. We darted down the mountains we had spent the previous two hours climbing, and only by the miraculous protection of our Lord and Savior did all 8 of us escape without even a scratch. Did you read that post? It's titled "God is  My Protector" and is two posts prior to this one. If you haven't read it yet, you probably should.

Looking back, I can't hardly believe it actually happened. It seems so surreal, like sometime straight out of a movie. Yet it was real life; I lived it fully. I am still amazed at the protection of the Lord that day. Not that I doubted His abilities or anything; I am humbled every time I think of that day.

Little Did We Know

My friend, Juan Pedro (age 32), who went climbing with us that day, was even closer to death than any of the rest of us. You see, he'd been having health problems for a few months prior, but the doctors had done tests, put him on medicines, etc. and nothing seemed to be working. His body would (and still does) swell randomly, he gets dizzy and short of breath, and other normal body functions just didn't seem to be working properly. Being into extreme sports in his earlier years, it has been quite a lifestyle change for him to be weakened, swollen, and sedentary. 

The day we went climbing was his first strenuous activity in a few months. He had taken pills, and ensured me that he would be fine. He refused to stop for a breather, and he pushed on all the way up and back down. It was only afterwards that he was honest and said that he didn't think he was going to make it, especially once the shooting started. 

Recently, the doctors have discovered that he has a hole in his heart between the left and right ventricle. He needs an urgent operation to close the hole so that his heart will function as properly as possible once again. Without the surgery, his life looks grim, but the doctors are hopeful that this surgery will solve most of his other health problems. 

The problem is the surgery is estimated at $20,000 not including all of the prior tests and medicines that the doctors have experimented with. This price also assumes that this one operation will be sufficient. JP has exhausted his medical fund (I'm not sure how Peruvian insurance works), and he cannot afford the surgery on his own. 

What YOU Can Do

There has been a fund set up in Juan Pedro's name to help raise money for him to have this surgery. I am amazed at the uniting of the Body of Christ for my dear friend. There are two benefit concerts in Peru next week in which all proceeds will go towards JP's surgery. There have also been other donations made to help with the expenses. However, there is still a long ways to go to raise $20,000 (or nearly 60,000 Soles - Peruvian Money).

My Bible study group is planning a bake sale and possible car wash to also raise money for JP receive the necessary medical attention. Once those details are confirmed, I will forward on the information if you would like to help out. Or if you would like to help out by simply sending a donation, you can comment on this post, and I will get you the information on how to do so.

However, the most important way you can help out, would be through prayer. As you can imagine this is a very trying time for my dear friend. He is a believer, and we have had many discussions about God's plans, His protection, and His healing. Juan Pedro recognizes that whatever the outcome, the Lord is in control, and He boasts that through all of this, the Lord will never leave Him. As you pray, pray for the well-being of JP (stress, nervousness, weakness, health, etc.), pray for the Lord's will not man's, pray for wisdom in the doctors, and for the surgery -whenever it might be- to go well without any major complications. Also, keep his family and friends in your prayers as they walk side by side him throughout this process.

I must admit, it makes it even more difficult to be here, knowing my friend is passing through these trying times, but I am grateful for technology in which I am able to chat with him a few times a week to see how things are going. I am also thankful that technology enables me to help from afar not only through prayer, but by wiring money down to Peru. As I've told JP, even though I am not able to physically be by his side during this time, my spirit is with him, and he is always in my thoughts and prayers. 

Remember, if you are interested in helping with a monetary donation, please comment to this post, email, Facebook, or text me (if you have those contact informations), and I will let you know what you need to do in order to do so.

And just for fun, here's a picture of JP and I taking a break on our way up the mountain. :-)