Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Touch of a King

Today was one of those days where I was forced to stop and take a deep breath. We serve an amazing God, and I often do not give him the credit he deserves. The last three days have been beautiful days with the sun shining brightly on the mountains and the temperatures reaching into the 70s. Spring is a time of rebirth. I wasn't sure what the would look like in a place where there isn't really a "dead" season for plants, but I've quickly come to love the change of weather patterns. Winter here is so gray and cloudy; however, spring is bright and sunny with hardly a cloud in the sky. It really changes the way things look and bring a fresh perspective.
It's interesting to me how the seasons between the northern and southern hemispheres perfectly align with one another. While trees are beginning to change color in the states and the temperatures begin to become cooler, life is being given to nature here in the southern hemisphere. God is at work in both locations creating a beautiful scenary for each of us to enjoy; he gets the best of both.
I'm reminded of Genesis 2:2, "God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he retsed from all his work." Our weeks are busy; we are busy trying to be everything to everyone, fulfilling assigned tasks, running from one location to another, etc. However, we must make a point to rest. God creates great landscapes for us to enjoy; the seventh day of rest is of utmost importance. Sometimes I find it hard to sit still and relax, but when I do I always leave feeling refreshed and uplifted.

In other news, the new aide in my classroom quit today after only a week of work. She felt that the children did not respect her and was really struggling with the cultural differences between the classroom here in Peru and those in London. She left today at lunch without telling anyone she was leaving and later called the school to inform them that she would not be coming back. God's hand is in the situation; I know exactly what she's feeling, but as I look back I am amazed at how far my students have come in just the two months that I have been here. I guess experience has just taught me that if you stick out the hard stuff the end reward is worth it.

Tomorrow is my last day with students. Thursday is holiday and Friday is inservice. They may switch the inservice to give us a 3 day weekend, but being it's a national holiday I'm not sure it's likely. However, a three day weekend would be nice...maybe a trip to the highlands??? I liked one comment made by a friend that North Americans plan their holidays on Mondays and Fridays just to make the weekend longer. Peruvians like random days off; it fits the random lifestyle.
Here are some pictures for you to enjoy :)
My first graders practicing for the school anniversary. The girls are "stoning" Steven, and Steven falls to his knees begging God for his mercy.
Kids Alive: Antony, Renzo, y Luis showing off their best moves.
How can you not love them? Vanessa and Jesus

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