Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dios es Fiel! ~ Days 1 & 2

God is faithful!

It's amazing how the Lord is able to set my mind at ease as soon as the plane lands in Lima. Monday was a long day. With no time to sleep Sunday except a quick 30 minute nap at 11pm, I was exhausted as I boarded the plane in Chicago at 3 a.m. We left promptly and arrived in Guatemala City on time; however, the sky was overcast, so we taxied in the air for approximately 45 minutes. The pilot came on and told us if we couldn't land in the next 15 minutes he could continue on to El Salvador and land there. You can only imagine how my stress level rose and I begin to plan out how I am going to reroute my flights, how I can contact Leo (my ride) to tell him I may be arriving in Lima late, and how I would catch my next flight should we land in Guatemala as it was scheduled to leave in 20 minutes. Finally, we were able to land in Guatemala City, and I was praising the Lord that it was a small airport. I, along with 4 others from my flight, rushed through security and on to our gate where we rushed aboard the plane, only to have the doors shut behind us. My other flights went smoothly to Costa Rica and then to Lima. We arrived in Lima 15 minutes early even, and Leo was there to pick me up. The Lord is faithful!

As we flew over Peru and I began to recognize the territory, my stress from flying and anxiety over what these 5 weeks would have in store was quickly transformed to excited and pure joy. I began to imagine who I wanted to see, what foods I wanted to eat, and places I would like to visit. I realized that all of my fear was from my person, but the Lord provided me joy and gratitude.

Upon arriving at the mission house, I took a moment to just sit and relax before showering and unpacking my bags. My cell phone chip had expired (they only last 2 months when not being used apparently), so after a little bit of chill time, I walked 10 blocks to the grocery store where I could buy a cell phone chip and start connecting with friends. After walking the 10 blocks back "home", I decided to contact a few friends, and went to bed shortly after. 

Tuesday I slept in, and then I organized a few items and off to the store I went to buy only enough groceries so that I could carry them back. I didn't want to pay a taxi to carry me 10 blocks home. Later in the afternoon, I went to my friend Gisell's house (you may remember her as the girl I went to Cuzco with last year), and later I spent time with my dear friend Teresa and her family. 

When I arrived at Teresa's house, I felt right at home as her father said, "Que bueno verte hijita!" (How great to see you daughter!) The rest of her family greeted me with strong hugs and kisses (as is custom here). Her family is wonderful, and I enjoy the time I am able to spend with them.

After returning home last evening near 12:30 a.m. I chatted with a few friends to make plans for day 3, and headed to be shortly after. I slept soundly, free of fear and anxiety, and excited to see how the Lord will direct my path this month. Already I can see his hand at work in my time here, and I am thrilled to see how he will use me. There's never a dull moment here, and while many days I feel exhausted, I love being here and the company I am surrounded with.

So here's to 33 more days in Peru! I know it is going to pass faster than I can even begin to imagine. Already my schedule is filling up!

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