Monday, September 5, 2011

Sunday Afternoon Drive

I love driving alone, most of the time. Some of my best pondering is done while sitting behind the steering wheel of my car. Depending on my mood, I'm either jamming to the most current pop music, or sometimes I can be found listening to something mellow dramatic that I can pull to relate to my current emotions. However, most of the time, when I'm alone, I've got worship music playing in the background while I think and pray about life.

Recently, I've been talking quite a bit with a few Peruvian friends about them coming to visit me. However, with the price of airfare and the visa regulations, I'm doubting they will be able to visit anytime in the near future. Yesterday as I drove to the store, I had to chuckle at my thoughts as I pondered what it would be like to have Peruvian friends in my country.

I imagined them trying to get around without public transportation -they never believe me when I tell them it's nearly nonexistent where I live. I imagined them using their broken (or no) English skills to strike up conversations with my friends and family. I thought for a moment about their schema and how they would relate what they have in their country to things similar they may find here...McDonalds, KFC, and Plaza Vea which would be similar to our Wal*Mart. I also thought of how pathetic they would find the Concord Mall versus their Chicago style mall in Lima, even the UP or Glenbrook Malls fail in comparison to Jockey Plaza.

I thought about the time of year and the activities we could do. They would love the snow, but they may freeze to death having only ever been accustomed to temperatures 60 and above. We could go sledding and ice skating or even build a snowman. In the summer it'd be fun to take them out on the boat or have a bonfire with hot dogs and s'mores.

I imagine Nilton and Eloy reacting as a small child would on Christmas morning, and I imagine Teresa feeling overwhelmed and slightly stressed. All in all, it would be a blast to have them here, and I pray that one day they would be able to make the trip up here. It would be a dream come true for all of us :)

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