Thursday, September 8, 2011

*Las Estrellas*

Believe it or not, I'm an outdoorsy type of girl. People underestimate me by my style of dress, always done hair, and make-up, but I truly do enjoy the outdoors. (Even my best friends are amazed at the fire I can build with wood, newspaper, and a few matches. They always tell me, I just don't fit the part.) I believe this is in part due to the many weekends my family spent camping when I was a child, but the rest I accredit to the Creator, the one and only God.

Just the other night I was able to spend some time outdoors under a gorgeous night sky talking with a friend. The sky was literally covered in stars, and only a small sliver of the moon was visible off in the distance. It was a spectacular sight, and I sat in awe and wonder for quite some time.

Last evening as mom and I were driving home from church we first saw what mom called a sun dog. As I slowed down to look, we noticed that it wasn't just a sun dog, but what we saw was a rainbow that stretched literally from one end of the field to the other disappearing into the clouds at the highest point. I pulled into Benton Elementary because I wanted to snap a photo. As I pulled in, God displayed in front of us a perfect double rainbow. My heart fluttered with excitement.

As we continued our journey home, the rainbows dissolved behind us and the sky ahead faded from day to night with an astonishing sunset like nothing I've seen in quite a while. As I pulled up to the stop sign, I had to take a picture to capture the beauty of the heavens. I would have loved to take some time to sit outside and relax under the beauty of the sunset, but it was a bit chilly, and I was lacking time to do so. 

Even sitting outside in the evenings for the few moments I'm out there with the dogs before bed, I am amazed at all the noises that surround me...not man-made noise, but noises of crickets and bullfrogs, wind moving the trees, and who knows what other sounds. Peace consumes me, and I am reminded that there is a God in heaven that created the universe yet has time to love on me. The Creator God desires a relationship with me.

It seems to me as if I hear God clearest when I'm marveled by His glorious creation. It shouldn't come as a surprise that not a day goes by that I don't think of Peru...the children, my friends, my church, the culture and the language...Lima in general. When I first returned home, I spoke nearly daily with many of my friends there; however, as time goes on those conversations happen less often. It's the same thing every year; it's not the way I prefer it, but life happens and that's the way things go.

Recently, I've missed those conversations and relationships. Honestly, some of my deepest relationships are with my Peruvian friends.  Throughout the last week, God has shown me multiple times through the beauty of "los cielos" (the heavens) that He is still with me even when human friendships aren't so easily accessible. God is the one friend whom I can converse with on a daily basis without need for technology or time to set aside for a coffee date. He is ALWAYS with me, ready to talk with me and comfort me in my moments of need. He loves me despite my flaws, and He never makes me feel second rate.

I am so thankful for sunrises, sunsets, beautiful night skies, and sounds of nature 
that never fail to remind me that God is in control!
These aren't things you find in Lima very often, so I'm grateful that I'm able to experience them while I'm here.

1 comment:

  1. We know you are outdoorsy. You've definitely proved it with the fire - I was impressed.
