Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I'm not sure why, but all my life I have thrived on countdowns. Normally, I truly do enjoy the present state of my life, but it's always fun to have something to look forward to also. Thanks to Google gadgets, my addiction to countdowns has been made easier.

While in Peru, I had  typed in the tentative date for my return trip to Peru. You know, Peruvians are in the moment people, but they were very adamant that I let them know now when I'll be returning. Of course at that time, there were 330+ days left until I'd be returning. Tonight, when I checked up on it, I was informed that there are 298 days until that date (June 23rd if you're wondering). It seems like a lot, but 298 days sounds so much better than 330 days. Honestly, it even sounds better than 300 days.

Viva el Peru!


  1. www.thewomanthang.comSeptember 2, 2011 at 9:42 AM

    As a third grade teacher, your life does revolve around numbers! 100 days, and the countdown until the end of the school year. But this count down is so sweet - the joy you bring to those who anxiously wait your return. Just like Jesus, we anxiously wait His return. Blessings to you this year as you begin a new year!

  2. Yes Brenda, you are so right! My life as a third grade teacher is filled with countdowns and deadlines.
    As excited as I am to return to Peru, I am even more excited to meet my Savior when He returns. Too bad I can't start an official countdown for that day!
    We miss you at NPE! I hope you're enjoying your work :)
