Monday, November 2, 2009

Blackened Feet

Sometimes I like to think in analogies. I actually haven't posted many of my analogical (is that a word?) thoughts, so I figured why not share one tonight.

If you know me, you know how much I love sandals and flip flops. I hate wearing socks and shoes on my feet! In a city where the ground is nothing but dust and dirt, this often leaves me with black feet at the end of the day. I've grown used to it, but I always appreciate being able to wash them at the end of the day.

Tonight as I was walking home from tutoring, a small thought crossed my mind. As I spent time alone making dinner, cleaning my room, and doing laundry, the same thought grew into a deeper, meaningful analogy that I couldn't just set aside to think about later.

I start each day with clean feet ready for the day's worth of activities. As the day wears on my feet become blackened by dust and dirt that I encounter along the way. At the end of the day, I am so glad for soap and water to wash away the "junk". Some days there are opportunities to wash my feet in between the day's activities; on these days, I'm especially grateful.

My black feet parallel very closely with many of our walks with God. How many times do we wake up and pray to start the day off right. We then go throughout our days gathering dirt and junk along the way. We are beaten, mocked, disappointed, etc. (speaking figuratively). For some, it isn't until the end of the day that they sit down to clean off the junk. It isn't until the day is said and done before we go to Christ once again to ask for his cleansing, his healing.

We don't have to wait until the end of the day, though. Just like I am especially grateful for the days when I have time to wash my feet in the middle of the day, we have multiple opportunities EVERY DAY to ask for God's cleansing throughout our days. Imagine how different your life could be if you went to God every time you encountered even a speck of "dirt". If each of us went to God with every piece of "junk" we come across throughout the day, our world would be a changed place. Lives would be restored, and joy would abound throughout the world. God doesn't want us to wait to clean up our lives. He wants us to come to him every minute of every day.

Quit only "cleaning your feet" at the beginning and end of each day. Ask for God's cleansing EVERY MOMENT of EVERY DAY! He is always near waiting for us to call on him!

1 Thessalonians 5:17 ~ Pray without ceasing!

1 comment:

  1. Hehe. I so relate to the black feet. My feet are always sooo dirty. hehe. And yes, I love those rare moments when I get to wash them in between activities. :-) Good analogy yourself, dear. And yes, oh I cannot wait to chill with you and share our lives again... :-)
