Wednesday, September 23, 2009

You Might Think I'm Crazy, But...

...I know I'm right where God wants me to be.
It's sometimes hard to imagine that one would spend so much on a college education and then move to a third world country to work as a missionary teacher for next to nothing. I never imagined it for myself; however, when God calls us, we must go.
I always knew I wanted to work with kids in a third world country in Latin or South America, but I never dreamed I would actually be brave enough to do it alone. Thankfully, I'm not alone because I have Christ by my side 24/7...not to mention the many wonderful people I have met. Somedays I still think I'm crazy, but when all is said and done I LOVE Perú and the experiences I'm having here. My favorite part of each week is often my time at the orphange helping the kids with homework or just plain spending time with them.
Tonight I helped with homework, pushed kids on the swings, attended devotions, sat with a very sad little boy while he ate dinner alone and talked through his sadness with him. By the time I left he was smiling and playing with the other children. How can you not love these faces???

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