Monday, August 8, 2011

God's Promise

I've hinted a few times about a conversation I had with God in Peru and a promise He gave me. I've shared the conversation with a few friends, but I feel it's time to share it with all of you as I ask for your prayers for the upcoming months and years. 

On Thursday evening, July 28th, my dear friend Cassandra and I went down to the beach around 9pm to try out a few Peruvian drinks and enjoy the atmosphere that surrounded us in Mancora. However, we got bored watching the party scene and decided to take a walk down the shore. Cassandra is a quiet person, and for much of the week I had talked and talked and talked. During our walk along the shore, I felt God tell me to rest in silence and enjoy the fresh breeze coming off the ocean. As we walked, Cassandra and I talked a little, but I mostly gazed around me and listened to the waves crash against the sand.

After our walk, Cassandra and I decided to sit under a cabana. As we sat admiring creation and the scenery which surrounded us, I prayed and my heart broke. As I prayed to the Lord about preparing my heart to leave Peru, tears filled my eyes, yet I could not cry. I was silenced; I could not talk, I could not cry. I was mute, literally. I sat for a few moments in complete silence, tuning out the world around me, and it was then that I heard the voice of the Lord more clear than ever before. As the cooling, night breeze brushed over my shoulder, I heard very distinctly, "Trust in me, and I will bring you back here in my perfect timing. You must have faith." It was as clear as day, and I immediately began to weep. I was overcome with joy, and I became filled with peace. No longer did leaving seem so bad (of course, it still wasn't easy); I now know for certain that I will return.

Cassandra isn't a Christian, so I didn't talk much with her about this divine encounter. However, when we returned to the hostel that evening, I was thrilled to talk with two dear friends online and share with them this promise God had spoken directly to me.

For the first time ever, I am absolutely certain that my heart for Peru is of God himself and not just my own crazy dream. I cannot wait to see how this all unfolds!!

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