Monday, August 15, 2011

Another Year is Upon Us

Tomorrow marks the start of another school year, my second "official" year of teaching. Honestly, it doesn't feel as if school is already beginning. I feel as if the previous academic year ended just a few days ago. It was good to meet my students tonight, get a feel for their families, and see the children get excited about having friends in their class. It also breaks my heart to see how some families operate - divorced homes with children caught in the middle, others with a heavy odor radiating off their clothing.

A few of my students from last year stopped by for a visit this evening. I really enjoyed that class, and I sure am going to miss them.

As my new group of students walk through the door tomorrow, we will begin a 180 day journey together. By the end, I hope that I make an impact on each and every child in some way. I wish to impact them academically, but I also hope that through my life I am able to share the love of Christ with my students. Sometimes the work of a teacher seems daunting and draining, but I know that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. At the end of the academic year when all is said and done, there's a joy that can be found as one glances at the growth made throughout the year. It cannot be explained; it's a feeling one must witness firsthand.

I'm grateful that for this time God has called me into this profession. Teaching and children are my joy and my passion. They're what I live for, and my career is one way I am able to be a missionary to those around me each and every day. I am so thankful that I chose to ignore the unkind words of one university supervisor when she said, "Maybe you should consider another profession. I just don't think you'll make it as an educator." If only she knew then, what I know now...

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