Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dust, Mice, and Dirty Dishes

Some days I catch myself complaining about the little things I miss about being back home in the States. I miss having hot water when I turn on the faucet to wash dishes, earwigs as opposed to mice, and a carpet and a vacuum rather than tile, a mop and a broom. Instant coffee doesn't taste the same as Mocha from my Keurig, and I always turn on the gas but neglect to actually light the oven. I find myself saying, "You know what I don't like?" quite often, but Tuesday a friend put things into perspective for me when he asked, "What do you like?"

I think the honeymoon phase is over. I'm reaching the point when normally I'd be returning to the States and putting to use all of the things I was missing during my month long summer visit to Peru. However, this year it's different. I think it's settling in that the luxuries of home are a distant memory. After the conversation with my friend on Tuesday, I decided it was time to focus on the positive, the good things in life here.

I have a very suitable place to live with running water, electricity, internet, and cable.
I have food in my cupboards, refrigerator, and freezer.
I have a wide variety of clothes to wear.
I have a job that pays well so that I am able to pay down on my debt.
I have friends who care for me and check in on me regularly.
I have a family who will fight for me no matter what, even when I'm a continent away.

God's really been working on my heart recently, humbling me and breaking me as I realize the blessings that have been bestowed upon my life. We don't realize how much we take for granted until it's gone or until we meet those who live much simpler lives than we ourselves do. I've really been having to put things into perspective, and I'm doing my best to think twice before I speak negative words.

Despite missing some of the comforts of home, I could not be happier at this moment in time. God is working in some pretty incredible ways in my life, and I am beyond excited to see how He guides and directs me in the upcoming weeks, months, and years. God is beyond faithful, and even when we can't see it He has the best in store for each of His dear children. A year ago, I never would have imagined I'd be where I am today, but God had something different in mind. Now I've officially been in Peru one month and two days, and I somedays still wonder if I'm going to wake up from this crazy, wonderful dream.

God is so Good!!

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