Sunday, August 17, 2014

Living a Dream - Year #1 Reflections

Do you ever have those days or weeks when you wonder what in the world you are doing in life? Where are you headed? Are you on the right path? Are you following God's will? Why you are where you are?

While I know God has me exactly where He wants me, and I'm living a dream come true, some days are just plain difficult. I miss teaching in the States with respectful students, consistent discipline and students from average families. I miss my colorful, student friendly classroom filled with books and resources for the kids. I miss a loving, supportive staff that truly had the best intentions for the students. I miss my church and the Bible study group I became a part of my last 2 years back in Indiana. I miss driving to my friends' homes for the weekends to spend the night and have girl time. But most of all, I miss my family...sitting outside in the summer around the pond with a fire burning or laying out in the pool relaxing while talking about anything and everything with my mom. I miss the smell of a warm house in the winter, feeling soft carpet beneath my feet, and the comfort of simply being "home".

However, despite all of the things I miss and looking past the days when I think I can't take anymore, I know that God has me in Peru for a reason or perhaps more than one, and I couldn't be happier. Living and teaching in Peru has been a dream of mine since 2007. I discovered a love for Spanish and teaching during high school and after just one trip to Peru, I knew I had to come back. This is my dream, something I prayed for for years. I'm thankful that God answered my prayer in His timing and not my own.

As I look back on the last year, I am filled with reminders of God's love, faithfulness, and protection time and time again. He's provided for me in ways I never even imagined, and not once has He left me feeling alone.

  • He provided an apartment for me when I was very discouraged with what I was originally offered. It's the perfect apartment for the perfect price, in a safe location, and my landlords are wonderful people. 
  • He's kept me safe in the streets, taxis, and buses, and only allowed me to experience one robbery which happened to be the stealing of Javier's phone right from my hand through the window of our own car. 
  • He's blessed me with opportunities to serve and build stronger relationships with the children at Juniper Tree in Pachacamac.
  • I've been able to pay off one loan which leaves me only one left to go...there is light at the end of the tunnel! 
  • In moments of loneliness it never fails that He has provided someone who calls to chat or hang out with. Sometimes His love has come through mail from friends back home, too. Mail which is appreciated more than I think you understand.
  • I have learned to serve more, be hospitable, and think of myself less. Who cares if the house hasn't been cleaned in a week? There are people that would like a cooked meal and a hot shower.
  • God blessed Javier with a car that has been super beneficial and a blessing in so many ways. 
  • I've made new friends and built deeper relationships with old friends. 
  • I've learned so much about humility and living simply. 
  • I've heard testimonies I can't imagine having to go through, and I've seen people on the other side of tragedy living lives filled with joy and completely surrendered to the Lord.
  • I've been blessed by the presence of Javier in my life. A friendship of 5 years that I never imagined would develop into a lifelong love and marriage. (Yes, I said marriage...)
I could go on and on about the goodness of God during my first full year of living here in Peru. As I look around me and cringe because the sun is setting at 5pm and that the chilly evening air is drifting through my windows, I stop to remind myself that even having this apartment is a blessing because so many others live without properly closing windows or sturdy cement walls. 

Of course I miss my family, my friends, my church, and NPE, but I'm not here to dwell on the things that aren't here with me. I'm here to learn, to serve, to teach, and to become the best person that I can be. I'm here because this is where God called me many years ago, and I am ready to carry out the mission that He has placed before me - to educate children and to serve to the best of my abilities. 

Thank you all for your continued love and support as I follow this path of life. It's hard to believe it's been a year, and I'm already excited to be home for Christmas. However, until then, I am looking forward to the days ahead with anticipation. Awaiting the Lord's daily voice leading me in the direction He has set for me that day. Each of your prayers is a blessing in my life. I couldn't have made it this long without you!

1 comment:

  1. Praise God he is teaching you so much Jessica! Praying for your continual strength and courage for your life in Peru! You are missed!
