Saturday, December 3, 2011

Bursting at the Seams

I cannot even begin to express the churning of my heart at this moment. Since completing the November Gratitude Challenge, my eyes have been opened even further to the blessings the Lord has poured out upon my life. I cannot even begin to give the appropriate thanks that HE deserves. I want to scream it from the mountaintops that Jesus is Lord. I want others to love Him the way that I do. I desire that my life be a reflection of the one true God. 

Recently I purchased the Hillsong Spanish CD that was released on November 1 of this year. It's amazing how many of the songs have sparked something within me. Normally on a CD I enjoy a few of the songs, but on this CD every single song gets me. I've been in tears a few times listening to the album. The one that keeps playing through my head currently is has a phrase that goes something like this, "Dios hazme transparente. Refleja en mi tu amor que toda gloria sea solo para ti." (In English: God, make me transparent. Let your love reflect in me so that all glory is only for You.) Yesterday, throughout the day, this phrase along with other lyrics from the song were vibrating from my lips. I caught myself many time whispering these words or thinking on them and then altering my actions or spoken words to reflect just what the song was reminding me to do. 

I love that when I ask friends in Peru how they are doing they respond with a truthful response, and then add that "Gracias a Dios" or "pero Dios tiene el control." Meaning "thanks to God" or "...but God is in control." I think for some of them it is said out of routine, others are truly grateful to the Lord. Either way, I see this response as surrender and reverence to the Lord. I love that they acknowledge the Lord's work in their lives and their need for His divine intervention. Too often, I "forget" that without God, I am nothing, and I get an attitude that I'm fine on my own. 

I desire that every breath I take, every word I speak, and every activity in which I participate be an opportunity for me to demonstrate the love of the Lord. I desire that my life be a life of complete human abandonment and total surrender to Jesus. I want to be consumed by the Creator. I will not settle for anything less!

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