For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." ~ Matthew 25:35-40
One of the most important lessons I have learned in the last year is that anyone can serve the Lord. You don't have to have a huge bank account of money or even the grandest of all houses. It simply takes a willing heart and a desire to help others.
One of the first things that drew me to Javier was his desire to help others. We met at the Children's Home in 2009 and every time our paths crossed here in Peru he was one of the first ones to call and make sure I was settled and had everything I might need. At the time neither of us had even thought about a relationship beyond friendship, but God has a way of altering our plans and doing things in his timing.
Upon my arrival to Peru last year, Javier was one of the first people to call me, to help me look for an apartment, and to make sure I was settled into my new home. After a month or two, we both began to realize our relationship was changing, and the rest is history.
Anyways, our relationship is not the purpose of this post.
Upon meeting Javier, I noticed a love for the children of Kids Alive. He'd come and play with the kids, buy things they might need, and he usually returned from his trips abroad with something for each of them. He loved them and loved spending time with them.
Since our relationship has begun, he has taught me so much in means of serving others. He uses the car to give some of the guys at work a ride home who many make less or live further away. A few weeks ago we picked up a young girl and her 15 month old baby walking along the road at 12:30 at night to take them home - a 10 minute drive which would have taken her about an hour walking, not to mention the danger aspect.
We've recently decided together to use our resources, knowledge, and love for the children to begin to help the adolescents at the Juniper Tree (Kids Alive) Children's home. Our desire is to find interests they may have and provide classes or training so that upon leaving the home they have a skill that they can use to support themselves.
A few weeks ago we were able to pay for one of the teenage boys who is a phenomenal artist to take a 2 day course in which he was able to learn techniques for 3D painting using ceramic material and a wooden board. Javier picked him up and drove him downtown both days for his class. After the course finished, we were able to purchase the supplies he would need to continue to practice this new art he had learned.
We'd love to do this with other children as well. However, the key is finding what the children are interested in and then looking for ways to help them to develop these interests. It also takes coordination with schedules and money.
In the future we'd love to open our home (when we have one) to the kids to come a few at a time and stay for a weekend. Our desire is for them to see how a family functions outside of the children's home and to be an example of a Godly marriage.
It's a mission/ministry we both feel very called to, but we are still trying to figure out how exactly it may develop and function.
Please be in prayer for us as we continue to develop our ideas and work with the children to determine their interests and the best way for us to help. Pray for us as we run ideas by directors of the home who thus far have been very supportive - although I've heard rumors that they're praying for us to be house parents and live at the home with 6-7 kids in our care once we are married (a field of ministry we do not feel called to at this point). Pray for time and resources - both of which can at times be limited. Pray also that the Lord would continue to guide us and direct us in the way that He has paved for us to go and that if it means a change in our vision that we would follow as He leads.
Much love from Peru! ~ Jessica
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