I've received quite a few contacts asking for the story of the mouse. Is he out of my house yet? How did I get him? etc. Let me start by saying, he's still hiding in my kitchen, and he's a genius!
I'm honestly not sure how he even got in. My guess is that we've been cohabiting since I moved in. He's good at hiding, and just happened to be spotted Tuesday morning when I was running out the door for work. I was already running late, so I walked into the kitchen with the intention of grabbing a granola bar, but with the squeak of the door he went running. I screamed (which was unfortunate for my friend who was on the phone with me at the time), grabbed a granola bar, and I stepped out of my kitchen quickly, closing the door behind me. {You have no idea how thankful I am to have that door between my kitchen and the rest of my apartment. At first I found it annoying; however, now, it is a necessity to ensure the mouse doesn't leave his living quarters.}
After school, I told my landlords that I had spotted a mouse. They tried to tell me they've never seen mice here and that everything was cleaned very well before I moved in so the chance that a mouse was actually spotted was very slim. After insisting that I had seen one, they came up to my apartment, and we searched everywhere. We even disconnected the stove and pulled everything out to check behind and underneath it, and we still didn't find the thing. I'm pretty sure my landlords thought I was crazy. I was hopeful that somehow he had snuck out during the day.
Wednesday evening we put a mouse trap down with cheese. Thursday morning when I awoke I checked, and sure enough the cheese was gone, but the intelligent little mouse didn't even set the trap off. I talked with my landlords again Thursday evening, and they decided to put a harder cheese on the trap so that the mouse would have to work to get it off.
Sure enough Friday morning the trap had been deactivated and the cheese was thrown to the side. A sure sign that the mouse had attempted to get the cheese, but somehow got away before the trap snapped on him. I didn't bother with it Friday, but Saturday morning the cheese was missing and the trap left in the same distraught position I had found it Friday morning.
Currently, I'm calling him my pet mouse. He isn't a bother as long as I keep food off my counter; however, I still do not approve of his living here. I think a friend is going to bring me poison to put down to kill him since my landlords refuse to do such thing. At this point, I'm more fearful of finding him dead and having to dispose of him than his hiding somewhere in my kitchen.
And I was afraid the cockroaches would be my problem...
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