Monday, July 29, 2013

~One Week / Una Semana~

Next week at this time I will {hopefully} be on the plane from Houston to Lima. It's crazy to think that this has been on the calendar for nearly 9 months now, yet until just recently it's seemed like more of a dream than reality. I've waited for this opportunity for 6+ years, and it's finally happening! I have no doubt that this is the divine timing of the Lord, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm grateful for the time I've had living in my hometown near my parents for the last few years, growing as a professional, learning independence, and building friendships that have changed my life. I'm thankful for the church God lead me to in October of 2011, and I'm beyond blessed by the Bible study I've become a part of.

The good-byes have begun, yet the packing remains a task to be undertaken. I know not everything I have laid out to take will fit, so I'm delaying the stressful decision making process as long as possible; 140 pounds seems like a lot of weight, but as I throw things in my suitcase, I realize those pounds add up quite quickly.

So how am I spending my last week you may ask? Well, last weekend I ran my first 5k Color Run which was a blast. I spent last week relaxing and preparing for the week ahead. This past weekend I went camping with my Bible study which was an amazingly fun time of canoeing, hiking, and soaking up the goodness of God in nature. Grandma came today, and Mom made a mock Thanksgiving dinner complete with pumpkin pie since I won't be here in November for the real thing. A dear college friend is coming to visit Wednesday, I'm hanging out with college friends Thursday, and Friday I've got a coffee date with a few teacher friends and a dinner date with my family at a Japanese SOHO. Sunday I'm sharing at church, dining with church family afterwards, and participating in my final praise and prayer night. Somewhere I'll be squeezing in time to pack and clean my car out, too.

I'm so incredibly excited for the days ahead. I'm dreading the good-byes, and I'm a bit nervous for the transition. However, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has gone before me, and He has already paved the way. He knows the struggles I will face, and He knows the inner anxiety I will feel. He will be there for me even when no one else seems to understand, and He will be my hope and faith that I will cling to through the joys and trials of this change.

Again, thank you to each of you for being a faithful prayer warrior throughout the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. I am beyond blessed by each and everyone of you. Thank you in advance for going with me on this journey through your prayers and words of encouragement. Feel free at any time to comment with questions or email me if you'd like further details about anything I post along the way. We're in this together, and I appreciate your support!

~*May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and keep you near always and forever!*~
With much love,

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