Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it,
because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
~Howard Thurman~
This quote has become a favorite of mine in the past few years. There are so many people in our world that are self focused. They think very little of the needs in the world; rather, they focus solely on themselves and how they can get ahead. Others wander through life as zombies; they simply go through the motions without much ambition or excitement about anything...often holding bitterness inside their hearts.
I have known since a young age that I wanted to work with children. At that time, I had no clue what God would have me do with children, but I knew my life would be devoted to working with them in some way. Years later, I entered college, studied education, and found my passion in life....teaching!!
Just three weeks ago, I was beginning to doubt my call to teaching. I still hadn't found a teaching job in the States, and while I thought this was where God wanted me (for the time being) I was very uncertain. I prayed and prayed, seeking the will of God, yet feeling clueless and empty. My heart longed to be in Peru, but God kept telling me that now was not the time. I didn't understand...why would God keep me in the U.S. and not provide me with a job in which I could use my passion?
Two weeks ago, I had an interview that changed everything. I went into the interview very skeptical...I was up against three other very qualified candidates. I wanted this job more than anything, but I went into the interview and left not knowing what to expect. However, the following day I received a call. Before I answered, I said a quick prayer asking God that I would be accepting of whatever the response on the other end might be. To my surprise, I was offered a job as a third grade teacher in a great school. I was ecstatic!! God was finally giving me the answer I had been diligently praying for for months. I had four days to tear apart, decorate, and put back together a classroom as well as organize curriculum and plan for the first day of school. I was overwhelmed, but the excitement far outweighed the stress I should have been feeling.
In my opinion, I have the best job in the world. I work with an amazing, Godly staff, and my students are kind, loving, and a pleasure to work with. While I'm still a bit overwhelmed by how quickly I've had to pull everything together, I feel alive each morning when I walk into my classroom. I feel happy, excited, and ready to take on any challenge that comes my way (ok...maybe not any, but most of them). I finally have a classroom of my own where I can use a teaching style I prefer.
While my heart's desire is to return to Peru and work in orphanages there, I know that God's plan for my life has me right here, right now. I trust that one day He will lead me back, but it is all a matter of His timing. For the time being, I am a proud 3rd grade teacher at New Paris Elementary, and I couldn't be happier!! Now instead of praying for a job in order to be able to use my passion, I pray daily for my students...I pray that I would be an excellent role model, that my students would see God's love through me, and that I am an effective educator. God is so good!!
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