Sunday, May 9, 2010


I have been blessed more than I deserve. In fact, I am a firm believer that we deserve nothing. God blesses us because he chooses to not because he has to. What a mighty God we serve.

Before I left Peru I made a list of things I was looking forward to coming home to and things I was sad to be leaving behind. In my last post, I mentioned that recently I had been dwelling in the past way more than I should be, and I've made a point to do my best to change that. I do miss Peru greatly...the ministry, the kids, my friends, etc. However, since making the mental decision to focus on the here and now, I've been able to see that I am abundantly blessed here in the United States, also. My friends are different, my ministry is different, and the kids I work with are definitely not orphans, but I still have a very important role here. God is so good, and I'm enjoying being a part of his ultimate plan. Each day is a new opportunity to serve him, and I am making the point to find the blessings in each day.

Just a few things I'm blessed with here in the states.

1. Family: My brother is finally home from college, the noise level has risen in the house, and I'm realizing just how amazing and supportive each member is. My parents are wonderful and my brother is quite the young man.

2. Friends: While spread out across the U.S. it's great to know that a listening ear is just a phone call away. At first it was hard to be back in my hometown (basically all of my friends have moved away), but I've been able to make new friends and see old friends grow in their ministries in their various locations around the world.

3. Job: I never imagined myself teaching Special Education, but I LOVE IT!! It has also made me more aware of things to do or not to do as a regular classroom teacher when working with these unique students. Aside from my students, I work with an amazing, Godly staff, and our PTO deserve an award for going above and beyond the call of duty.

4. Green trees, grass, and rain: I'm not a fan of rain, but the flowers, trees, and bright green grass that result are very beautiful. The dust mountains in Lima were pretty at first, but nothing compares to the fresh flowers and spring air in northern Indiana.

I could go on and on. We serve an almighty God who loves us more than any other creation. It's time we turn to him and begin serving him the way he deserves. Run to him, his arms are open wide, and he's waiting to pour out his blessings on your life as well.

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