Some things I've learned in the last few months...
- God watches out for us more than we give him credit for.
- Policemen only make $200 a month, and if pulled over they can be bribed.
- Firemen are all volunteer.
- If you choose to wear sandals, you will have black feet even if you just go a block down the road. Don't complain; it's the way of life.
- Just because you order something for dinner, doesn't mean your friends won't want to try it. They will probably finish it off for you too if you don't eat it fast enough. ;) Sharing food is a way of life. It's also very common to order one bottle of pop or jar of juice and the whole table shares.
- Plans aren't definite. You take things as they come.
- There are no rules on the road. What matters is who's bigger and faster. I will say, it is a lot better than my trip in 2007 though. Just stay away from the major roads during rush hours.
- The Spanish language is a lot more expressive than English.
- Perú's history is amazing and diverse.
- And my favorite one: Giving a wrong answer is better than giving no answer at all.
I'm sure I've learned more. In fact, I know I have, but at this moment in time I can't think of anything else. I should start writing things down so that during times like these I can remember them.
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