A friend posed this question last night; a question I had been dealing with all week. I thought I'd share some thoughts with you...
Webster's defines pride as:
Pride: n inordinate self-esteem, conceit, elation arising from some act or possession, disdainful behavior or treatment
To put that into more applicable terms to the everyday person, pride is reliance on one's self and one's strengths to the point of which God is "unnecessary" and others are unable to serve for fear of feeling belittled.
I have fallen into a rut of pride a few times recently. Somedays it's hard to be in a third world country and watch the way things are done. I had the same feeling on both mission trips to Peru, and I feel it now even stronger than before. Sometimes I just want to get the attention of those around me and tell them there is a better way. There is a better way for education, better ways to think, better ways to do everyday jobs. That's the pride speaking. Just because I think it's better, it may not be. It's simply different, and in the end, as long as the job gets done, does it really matter how it's done?
I keep coming back to Galatians 3:1 when Paul refers to the Galatians as FOOLS! They had become so prideful in their obedience to the law, but they neglected their need for Christ and his forgiveness given through death on the cross. They were filled with pride as they checked off all the good deeds they had done. However, they failed to build a relationship with the God of creation who made the law in the first place. They dismissed faith in Christ and his death on the cross which has become the new law.
God doesn't ask us to be perfect. In fact he knows we are far from perfect; however, he does desire a personal relationship with us which begins with a child-like faith, the size of a mustard seed. It begins small, but with much care and investment it grows into something great and reproduces over time. If we follow the command in the last chapter of Matthew, "Go and make disciples," our mustard seed sized faith will grow and it will be carried through our words, actions, and lives to others and minister to each person we come into contact with.
Legalism and law, however, do not allow for ministry. The law itself simply measures people against one another to see who is following the "rules" best. If you aren't following the rules, you can forget about going to heaven. Wrong! Where is the love of Christ in that?
I don't want to be a prideful fool. I want to be a minster of Jesus Christ in everything I say and do.
I'll leave you with this question...is pride controlling you right now? If so, please do something about it! Life is too short to rely on ourselves and the strengths/abilities we have. Lay down your pride, and allow Christ to fill you with his strength. In the end, his strength will carry you further anyways.
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