I'm not sure I could find the proper words to truly express what my heart feels right now. A lot of thoughts and emotions consume me here in this moment. A frequent prayer of mine has been, "Lord, break my heart for what breaks yours. Open my eyes so that I may see your majesty in even the most miniscule details of this world you've placed before me. Show me your glory in both the good times and the bad, so that I may live every second of my life worshipping and honoring you."
We live in a broken world. People aroud the world are struggling every day just to get by. There is so much suffering in the world...kids without parents, families wondering where their next meal will come from, people living on the street because even the cheapest "shack" is too expensive, people inflicting pain upon themselves because self-inflicted pain is better than the pain caused by others in the past. I see it every day; people suffering and helpless. These people are searching, but I'm not sure they know just what they are searching for. They do not realize how much God can change their lives if they would allow him to be the center of their lives.
I think mission trips are a wonderful opportunity to get a "taste" of what the world is really like outside of the normal routine of life. It's opens the eyes to how others live, the needs others have. However, I'm not sure I fully understood just what it meant to have a broken heart for the lost until God called me back to PerĂº. The longer I'm here the more I see; the more my eyes become open, the more I break for the needs of those around me.
Contrary to that, I have also met many people who know what it means to truly worship God and trust Him with everything. People who have next to nothing that love God and serve him with a special vibrance. You can tell these people love Jesus with every ounce of their flesh. You feel uplifted just by being in their presence; they cause me to want to know God more. I want to be like them; I want people to experience God because of his love that flows freely through me.
I spent a few hours at the Kids Alive home this week. These kids energize me. They are the prime example of joy despite circumstance. They keep me going and remind me why I am here. God is at work in PerĂº, and his people here are quite amazing.
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