I'm not one to lose things often (which is probably a good thing since my husband can never find anything), but for the last few weeks I have been unable to find the necklace my husband got me for our first anniversary (pictured below). As I searched everywhere I could imagine, purses, jewelry boxes, drawers, etc. I panicked at the thought of not finding it again. I was worried to tell my husband I'd lost it because I still remember his excitement when he gave it to me. And I even searched online to see how much it would cost me to replace it so that he would never find out. To my disappointment, I couldn't even find one like it online.
After nearly 2 weeks of searching, I gave up. I was certain I had either accidentally thrown it out the day I went through empty boxes of jewelry a few weeks ago, or that it had been accidentally placed in the donations bag we sent away for the victims of the mudslides that happened in March. \
Then today, something wonderful happened. While digging through the basket that I keep my nail polish in to find a specific color I haven't used in a while, I found the necklace lying at the bottom. I have no idea how it got there, but I almost cried with relief. And then I told my husband the whole story since he didn't even know it was lost in the first place.
As I rejoiced over my once lost, but now found necklace, a scene played over in my head from earlier this week. You see, I had told a friend about my dilemma and how I wasn't sure if I should tell Javier or not, and her response was not to tell him because he'd probably never notice. She went on to say that I have other nice necklaces she's seen me wear, so to just wear those.
This comment didn't really mean that much to me at the time. I do have many other necklaces to wear, and I hadn't worn this specific one in over a month, so it could be a while before Javier even noticed that I wasn't wearing it. Yet, at the same time, I was filled with guilt having lost something so important to me, something Javier picked out on his own for our first anniversary - a Canadian diamond set in a sterling silver Canadian leaf because he loves Canada.
Now, having found the necklace, I am filled with relief and joy. You can bet I put it around my neck as soon as I found it, and I don't plan to take it off until I lay down to sleep tonight.
I can't help but relate this situation to two parables from the Bible - The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and The Lost Son (Luke 15). Jesus uses all three parables to tell the story of the importance of one sheep, coin, or son repenting and the joy God feels at their repentance despite having many other followers already.
Luke 15:7 - I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not repent.
Luke 15:32 - But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.
Even though followers of Christ can be found in many places around the globe, there is still work to be done, and God rejoices when even one person comes to believe and trust in Him. As excited as I was to find my necklace, I think God would feel even more joy hearing a new believer cry out his name.
We, Christians, have a lot of work to do. This world is rampant with pain, depression, sickness, hunger, poverty, war, and persecution. People need Jesus, and it our job to rise up and testify of His love and goodness. We are to go to the nations and share the Good News because He is coming back. Look around you, you don't need to go far to share the Gospel, no matter where you are, I'm certain someone nearby needs to hear about Jesus - your neighbor, a friend, a family member, the cashier at the grocery store, the elderly woman trying to cross the street, a classmate or even the garbage man.
Just as I shared the good news of finding my necklace with my husband, we need to be just as excited (or more excited) to share Jesus with this dark and empty world. Rise up and shine His light!
Matthew 28:19 - Therefore, GO and MAKE disciples!