In 2011 I set out to lose a certain amount of weight (which I did, but since have gained it all back).
In 2012 I committed to reading the Bible chronologically.
In 2013 I set my mind on praying for every nation while reading through Operation World Prayer Guide to the Nations.
All three years I achieved my goal {not to brag or anything}, and at the end of the year I felt pretty good about myself. However, I also recall at times throughout the year feeling down on myself as I fell behind in my reading and/or praying or hadn't lost the pounds I had hoped to each week. The times I felt down though, only pushed me to try harder, to catch up, and to be more faithful in working toward the ending goal.
This year, through conversations and prayer, I've felt challenged to set a different kind of goal, a resolution that can't be checked off the list quite so easily. If you receive my email updates, I challenged you to do the same: Make gratitude an attitude - be thankful more and complain less.
How did I come up with this goal?
In my previous post I typed up a list of things that make living in the USA more comfortable {at least in comparison to my life in Lima, Peru}. One evening, while having dinner with my boyfriend, Javier, I was talking about things I missed about being home {in the USA}, some of the exact things I mentioned in my list. After my mini complain session, he pointed out that even though I'm supposedly lacking things in Peru, I have much more than most people and that I have been blessed.
Another evening, after a seemingly rough day, I had quite the attitude. As I went on about how awful my day was, Javier reminded me that even on my worst days there are people who have been through situations a lot more difficult and challenging than my own. Trust me, at first I was mad at his unsympathetic response, but after some thought I realized that really my day hadn't been THAT bad after all. So what if I didn't sleep well the night before, my students talked too much, and I didn't have the ingredients I needed for the meal I planned to make. I have a bed to sleep in, I have a well paying job, and I have food to eat. Not to mention after I calmed down I got a hug - an embrace some only long for.
You see, Javier {and other Peruvian friends of mine} have been a blessing to me. Living in Peru has been an eye-opener, a rude awakening at times. Having grown up in Peru and with a life very different from my own, Javier does a wonderful job at reminding me what's important in life. Daily I'm challenged to give thanks without complaining and to live humbly, always willing to help those in need.
You see, in Peru I live a somewhat glamorous lifestyle. I have a {sometimes} hot shower, internet, cable, and proper electricity. I have a washer to wash my clothes, plenty of space to house guests, and an income that supplies all of my necessities and then some. I am blessed; my life overall is very easy even in Peru where things are at times "uncomfortable" for my American upbringing.
Therefore, from that came my resolution for 2014: Make gratitude an attitude - be thankful more and complain less.
God has blessed me so that I might be a blessing to others. However, if I only ever look at the negative side of things or recall how things used to be when I lived in the States, I will never reach my full potential in Christ. I have been given more than I could ever ask for or imagine, nothing I have do I deserve. Therefore I have no reason to complain about anything, for everything I have is a blessing from above. And that my friends is why I choose to focus on giving thanks this year, because how can I complain about something that has been put in my life as a blessing from above. My cup runneth over.
If you have resolutions you'd like to share with me {or ask me to pray for} please feel free to do so. I'd love to hear what God has asked some of you, my readers, to focus on for the year 2014.
Resolution #2 for 2014 - Be less selfish. Maybe I'll explain that one more later...