Monday, April 15, 2013


I posted the following statement on my Twitter this afternoon following the news of the explosions at the Boston Marathon (follow me on Twitter: jessrenee86)...

Anger may be your first choice, but compassion and 
brokenness for lost souls is what the Lord asks of us.

It's hard to feel compassion and brokenness for individuals who desire to cause pain and destruction, but the Lord does not want us to be angry. He calls us to pray for the lost, to minister to the brokenhearted, and to love the unlovable. It's not easy, trust me, but it's a lesson the Lord seems to be laying on my heart a lot recently.

A story that hits closer to home:

Schools in my county and the neighboring ones were filled with excess security today after a threat had been made to kill 20 children in 5 schools on this particular day. I honestly don't think anyone truly believed the threat would actually be carried through, but taking precautions was necessary to ease the tension of staff and students alike.

As I prepared for work this morning, I was feeling particularly angry, unsettled, and pained. I couldn't believe someone would even think of killing innocent children. I was in disbelief that a person would go so far as creating the said threat just to get attention, yet being too cowardly to sign a name to the paper therefore earning no recognition...yet. I was feeling sorry for the poor individual who would even consider this careless act an act of valor.

As I walked out of my apartment to my car, I was blown away by the sunrise. It was like God was speaking  directly to me, "I got this Jessica; confide in Me and I will protect you." I got into my car and started off to school. Still frustrated but feeling slightly comforted.

As I drove passed an elementary school, I felt compelled to pray. I spent time in prayer for the students in all area schools, but the main focus of my prayer turned from safety to brokenness, and my eyes welled up with tears. My anger and frustration were replaced by compassion and a desire for action. I wanted to find these men (or women) and share Jesus with them. I wanted to tell them that their desire to kill won't bring them eternal peace, but rather it will haunt them forever. I wanted to find them, sit with them, and listen to them as they poured out their hearts, their pain, and their insecurities. I wanted to be a comfort for them and a shoulder to lean on. I was no longer angry, I was full out broken. Ironically, by the end of my prayer, I asked the Lord that if these people were to attack our school that my life would be spared and that an opportunity for me to speak with the intruders would be granted.

As you imagine, the destruction didn't occur in our school, and I haven't heard of anything abnormal occurring in other area schools either. It was honestly a relief, but when I arrived home and heard about the bombings at the Boston Marathon my heart broke all over again.

Here is my prayer this evening...

"Why, Lord? I just don't understand how someone could want to cause so much evil. However, I thank you, Jesus, that your blood shed saves those who confess your name and believe. I thank you, Lord, for the peace that I've found, and I am grateful for the confidence that no matter when my life is cut to an end, I will spend eternity in heaven with you. I ask that you be with those who are hosting hatred deep within their hearts. Provide a moment for divine encounter and reveal yourself in a powerful way. Lord, reach your hand down and touch your people. Bring revival to our land, and heal those who are so desperate for destruction. Give boldness to your people, and allow your love to penetrate from those who profess your name. Allow your glory to be revealed, and permit your perfect plan to prevail whatever that may be. ~ Amen"

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 Operation World Prayer for the Nations Update

Currently, I am praying through a 2 week prayer journey through China. China is a nation growing in Christian population despite years of persecution and forced secret house churches. People are coming to the Lord in masses, and His hand is at work within this great nation.

Other countries of focus since my last prayer update are:

Cameroon (Africa) - Cameroon has one of Africa's highest literacy rates at 67.9%, and it is also one of the world's most corrupt nations. Churches are facing "spiritual poverty" or spiritual apathy, lack of concern for the unreached, and little unity.

Canada (North America) - Canada holds that status of having the world's lowest public debt. It is also the nation in which the most immigration occurs. Christianity is in a long, sustained decline with the rise of pop culture and secularism.

Cape Verde Islands (Africa) - Widespread poverty affects this nation, 80% of the food must be imported. Most residents are Catholic by name, but many are influenced by superstitions and African fetishism.

Cayman Islands (Caribbean) - These islands are extremely vulnerable to money laundering.

Central African Republic (Africa) - The CAR faces constant rebellions and military coups. There is presence of the LRA in some parts. HIV (6%), malnourishment, lack of clean water, and faulty hygiene are concerns. Churches have lack of depth and commitment with low moral standards. Some churches in the north are often looted and burned as a form of persecution and rebellion.

Chad (Africa) - 80% of the population lives below the poverty line and corruption is prevalent - known as the world's most corrupt nation. Chad is home to more unreached peoples than any other African country. 

Chile (South America) - Crime, abuse, drugs, and materialism are all on the rise in Chile (1 in 7 women have a child by age 14). There is a massive gap between rich and poor, but focus on holistic ministry within the nation is growing. 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Gloomy, Growing Spring

*Disclaimer - I haven't forgotten about the Prayer for the Nations posts. I am still working my way through the world in prayer. Perhaps tomorrow I will post a small blurb about the most recent countries I've been praying for.*

I'm definitely a summer kind of girl! Give me blue skies, green grass, and a bright yellow sun and I'm happy. However, this season definitely isn't summer. The last few days as I've gone through the day, I can't help but look out my classroom window in disgust at the nasty weather occurring outside. Gray clouds, rain, cold... I don't like this weather! Don't get me wrong, I love a good summertime thunderstorm, the smell of rain, and the sunshine that comes out to dry everything up, but this springtime, cloudy, cold, wet junk just isn't for me. It puts me in a bad mood. (Although, I am so thankful that winter is gone! There is hope for warmer days!)

Then last evening as I gazed out my patio door at the grass turning green and the daffodils budding, I realized something - without the cloudy, rainy days there wouldn't be beautiful, warm, summer days. Without the rain the grass wouldn't be green and flowers would not come to life. And sadly enough, if it were always hot and sunny, I may not enjoy the summer days as much, although I have a hard time believing that.

That's when it hit me, God threw a life application my way that hit close to home. Through the gloomy weather something magnificent is taking place. Soon these "sad" days will be replaced by merry and bright days and in just a few weeks the gloom will turn to beauty. What's the application you may ask...

These gloomy days which will soon be turning to joyous occasions are much like our own lives. The times of sadness and struggle are the times when the Lord is often refining us in some way to change darkness into beauty. (Not that He isn't always at work, but I think you get the point.) He uses our trials and struggles to grow us in character, maturity, and love, and in the end we come out of the trying times a better person - a more beautiful person if you will. He is the potter and we are His clay. He is constantly at work molding us and shaping us through everything that comes our way. He turns the bondage of sin and ugliness into redemption and beauty.

On a more personal note, this hit close to home. I've been in a valley of spiritual growth recently, and I honestly don't feel as close to God or excited about spiritual things as I did just a few months ago. My life feels dry despite my daily Bible reading and prayer times throughout the day. As I was pondering the thoughts about last evening, I was challenged to let go of some sin in my life that I continue to hold onto. I was pushed to let go of sin that is keeping me in bondage and affecting my relationship with the Lord. Of course it will take time, but I'm ready to become a better me, a more beautiful version of myself.

What sin are you holding onto that God wants to change from gloom into beauty? Pray, confess your sin to Him, and allow Him to mold you into the person He has chosen you to be.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Where Will You Spend Eternity?

Can you say with certainty that you will spend eternity in heaven with the Lord? Maybe you aren't sure, or perhaps you don't even believe in eternity. I met a woman on the streets of New York City last weekend who told my friend and me that eternity is where you want it to be. We asked her to explain, and she told us that if you prefer a quiet place then your eternity will be quiet, if you like a busy place then your eternity will be busy, and if you like loud places then your eternity will be in a loud place. It was an interesting thought, a disappointing conversation, and another reminder that there are lost and dying people all around me.

I'm here to tell you that ETERNITY IS REAL, and your eternity will be spent in one of two places: HEAVEN or HELL. It's really that simple.

You can choose to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, that He died on a cross and rose again three days later to save the world from sin and destruction. As promised by God, He will return for His people at which time all who have confessed with their lips and believe in their hearts that Jesus is Lord will be raised into heaven to spend eternity with God.


You can choose to reject God, to continue living in sin without remorse, and neglect the emptiness inside. You can choose to ignore the evidence that there is a God demonstrated to us by the rising sun, the changing of the seasons, and the unique ways in which things come to be or happen on a regular basis. You can make the choice to deny that God loves you and that He wants an intimate relationship with you. If you make these choices, your eternity will be spent in the eternally burning fire of Hell.

Last weekend as I walked the streets of NYC and Philadelphia, I was torn apart by the quiet reminders that this world is full of sin, ignorance, and broken people. From our conversation with the woman mentioned above, to the obvious signs of sin surrounding us, I began to realize the need even in my own country - a very deep need. Overseas missions are great, but there is ministry to be done here and now before it's too late. 

I am a broken person, and my life, too, is filled with sin. However, I have made the choice to put my faith in the one and only risen Lord, and I trust Him that He has forgiven my failures. Because of this, I know my eternity is in heaven. 

What choice will you make? Where will your eternity be?

My God is a God of SECOND CHANCES!! I love the lyrics to this song by Rend Collective Experiment. Take a listen if you will. I've posted the lyrics below.

Second Chance

My future hangs on this
You make preciousness from dust
Please don't stop creating me

Your blood offers the chance
To rewind to innocence
Reborn, perfect as a child

Oh Your cross, it changes everything
There my world begins again with You
Oh Your cross, it's where my hope restarts
A second chance is Heaven's heart

When sin and ugliness
Collide with redemption's kiss
Beauty awakens by romance

Always inside this mess
I have found forgiveness
Mercy as infinite as You


Countless second chances
We've been given at the cross
Countless second chances
We've been given at the cross

Fragments of brokenness
Salvaged by the art of grace
You craft life from our mistakes

Black skies of my regrets
Outshone by this kindness
New life dawns over my soul


*Shout out to those of you reading from Russia. I've seen your country pop up many times on my reader's list. Leave a comment if you will. Love and Blessings!*