As I have been reading the last few weeks I have been amazed that in Cambodia (Asia) the average yearly income is a mere $823. In Burkina Faso (Africa) the average person makes about $578 per year, and in Burundi (Africa) the average person brings home about $138 each year. Of course, we all would say, "Well things cost less in those places." And yes, that is typically true, but have you visited any of these places and seen how these people live? They don't have fancy cars or multiple room houses. They may not even have a proper floor. The roof probably leaks when it rains, and dirt and dust cover clean clothes when they are hung out to dry. Microwaves are few and far between if they exist at all, and food is typically purchased one day at a time in order to ensure it doesn't rot before being used due to a lack of refrigeration.
Think about your grocery budget or the amount you pay for entertainment purposes. How much do your clothes and other things cost? Most likely you spend (in total) more in a month than most people in the countries above make in a year. I know I do!
My eyes are opening a bit more and more to this world as I continue to read about nation upon nation and the pain and brokenness that many of my brothers and sisters around the world. It seems as if even the wealthiest of nations that I've read about in recent weeks (Bermuda & the British Virgin Islands) suffer from the corruption of sin similar to the sins suffered in the poorest of nations.
My heart breaks as I am convicted over and over again that I do not thank God enough for the blessings He has bestowed upon my life. I have it made here in the United States. Even when money is "tight" in my mind, it is nothing in comparison to the "tightness" others around me may be feeling. There is always enough for my needs, and sometimes a little extra for the fun things. I have food in my pantry, I have clothes that I don't wear, and I have decor in my house that is pleasant. I have parents who love me and support me, and I have friends that make me laugh and listen to me when I just need a ear to hear me jabber. I AM BLESSED! And when I count my blessings, I realize that I have nothing left to complain about. My cup runneth over with gratitude and joy, and I find peace because I know that my God is a God of love and He cares for me.
Here are the countries I've been praying for since my last update, and I've given just one interesting fact to accompany each one. Enjoy!
Bermuda (North America)- Bermuda has a strong Christian heritage, however Christianity by appearance takes priority over true, genuine religion.
Bhutan (Asia) - 23% of the population lives in poverty and it is one of the world's least evangelized countries, yet Bhutan is rated one of the world's happiest countries.
Bolivia (South America) - Bolivia is ranked the poorest country in South America, and cocaine is one of its most profitable crops (although illegal). 67% of the population is under the age of 30; almost all boys have used drugs while most girls face sex abuse.
Bosnia (Europe) - Due to a long cycle of violence, this nation suffers from deep wounds needing to be healed.
Botswana (Africa) - Botswana has the world's 2nd highest prevalence of AIDS. More than 100,000 children are orphaned due to the AIDS endemic.
Brazil (South America) - Brazil has the world's highest rate of firearm homicides and is the 2nd highest consumer of illicit drugs. Over 8 million children are considered at risk to drug abuse, prostitution, and gang violence, 7 million children are child laborers, and approximately 600,000 girls are involved in prostitution.
British Indian Ocean Territory (UK) - Original Islanders were forced to leave when this was made a strategic US/UK military base. Islanders are still forbidden to return "home".
British Virgin Islands (Territory of the UK) - Most Islanders profess Christianity and attend church, yet there is an extreme lack of fruit.
Brunei (Asia) - Brunei is one of the riches states in Asia. The constitution guarantees the free practice of other religions aside from Islam, yet this is not carried out. Evangelism is illegal and foreign Christian workers are not permitted in the country.
Bulgaria (Europe) - Bulgaria is facing strong corruption and powerful organized crime, poverty, divorce, and abortion rates. Currently it is estimated that there are more abortions than live births.
Burkina Faso (Africa) - In the last 50 years Christianity has increased by 1.3 million, yet there still remains a very real spirit world dominated by idolatry, fetishism, and secret societies.
Burundi (Africa) - The current president of Burundi is a professing born again Christian. While evangelical growth by holistic ministry is key, there has been a rise in violent crimes, armed robbery and corruption (bribery).
Cambodia (Asia) - Church growth from 0.07% in 1985 to 3.5% as of 2010 due to great responsiveness to the gospel after years of suffering. Cambodia's children are at risk - Over 100,000 are sold into sex trade and 1.5 million children are considered child laborers. Cambodia has one of Asia's highest HIV rates due to prostitution and the increasing drug trafficking.