- Lived completely on my own for the first time. - Since college I have felt very much in limbo, always waiting for the next thing, living with Mom and Dad until it came time to move away. However, I took the plunge, and admitted to myself that I was here to stay for a while, and moved into an apartment of my own. Through this experience, I have found contentment here in this town, and I began to fully feel like this place was just where God wanted me.
- Read the entire Bible in chronological order this year. - Honestly, in the past, I had a bad habit of reading my Bible two-three times a week when I had time. I participated in studies, and did book of the Bible studies on my own, but I was never super consistent. This year, I have learned the value of being in the word daily, and God has taught me so much about the Bible through my reading. I have read the entire Bible through a few times before, yet I still love that every time there is something new to take from it.
- Found a new church where I feel that I belong and experience the Lord each Sunday. - In January I began consistently attending a new church after a two year search. I have gotten involved in the young adults Bible study, made new friends, and learned so much more about the Lord and His Word. I became a member of the church in September, and we hosted a worship benefit in honor of my friend JP in October.
- Traveled to Peru for 5 weeks with the intent of it being my last trip for a while. - Going into my trip, I felt the Lord asking me to let go. I went to Peru with the intention of hanging out with friends, volunteering with Kids Alive, and saying my good-byes to all. However, the Lord wasn't asking me to let go completely, He was simply asking me to be willing to let go of certain things to experience others. This trip to Peru was by far one of the most amazing ministry experiences I have ever had. The memories I hold from the translating medical trip to Huaraz will be with me forever.
- Discovered contentment in my career. - While I have truly enjoyed my three years at NPE, I haven't felt confident of my work and my abilities until this year. I guess three years teaching the same grade and two years with the same partner does that to you. I'm truly enjoying teaching this year, loving my students, and for the first time not feeling super overwhelmed and unsure of what I'm doing.
- Feared I was losing my mom. - So maybe this isn't the happiest of all moments this year, but it did teach me once again the amazing power of prayer. Mom left work (unbeknownst) to me on Sept. 19 around 10 a.m. to drive herself to the ER for chest pains. I found out about 11:00 after a few trips to the office and a text from my dad. I worried all day, and prayed while forcing back tears and continuing to teach my class of 25 students. Mom remained in the hospital for a little more than 24 hours at which time the diagnosis was unclear...heart failure yes, cause was undetermined. I sat with Mom and Dad in the hospital for about 5 hours on Tuesday and about 8 hours more on Wednesday. Aside from being shot at while climbing a mountain in Peru, these 24 hours were probably the scariest of my life. I prayed fervently for Mom to be healed, my parents are too young to die. This experience taught me the divine power of prayer.
- And lastly, as a result of the process I've been through this year and the contentment I found, the Lord has opened a door I thought was long closed. - After much stress, joy, uncertainty, excitement, anxiety, and cheers the Lord provided my dream come true. I firmly believe all of the above events had to happen in order to prepare me for what lies ahead. I'm moving to Peru in August!!!
I've found contentment in seeking the Lord with my entire self. I've learned what that looks like, and I've learned how to do it like never before. I've seen the work of the Lord, and I've heard Him speak to me many times. I've felt His embrace, and I've sung my heart out in praise to Him. He has sustained me this year, and He has blessed me beyond what I deserve.
So here's a salute to the end of a wonderfully, frustrating, joyous year. It's been hard, it's been fun, it's been lonely at times, and it's been full of life during others. As the year ends in just two more days, I can't help but smile at how amazingly, challenging and adventurous 2013 will be.