It started off last Wednesday with a {primary staff} language arts inservice. I enjoy being together with the teachers and away from my classroom on occasion. We don't always get to talk during a typical work week, so it's nice to have those days. Wednesday evening, Cassandra and I shared some laughs together, and Thursday I headed down to Nashville for a mini vacation with two of my best friends. My time in Nashville was very refreshing. We shopped and ate, shopped some more, and ate some more. I headed home on Sunday, spent Monday with my mom (and dad), and dove right back into the "school" routine on Tuesday.
Yesterday, my morning was rough. I was short tempered and frustrated with my class in general, and {let me be honest} I had a pretty rotten attitude. At lunch, my mom {I love working with her!} gave me a Dove chocolate to cheer me up - somehow chocolate always helps. However, this time, it wasn't the chocolate that cheered me up; it was the message inside:
Remember your passion.
Wow! I stopped dead in my tracks. It seemed as if this message was given to me for a reason. What is my passion? Teaching/helping kids, sharing God's love, living life to it's fullest...
Although, with the bad attitude hanging over me, I wasn't doing any of that. My students were tense, God's love wasn't flowing from me, and I definitely wasn't living life fully. I said a prayer, and to my surprise, my afternoon went much better.
As I lay my head to rest last evening {an hour earlier than normal}, I thanked God for the small reminder he sent to me via a piece of Dove chocolate.