At first the challenge was easy. I didn't have any problem coming up with three things to be grateful for. I mean it's obvious, I have a great family, wonderful friends, a job I enjoy, more things than I really need, and add to that the love of the Father, and I'm covered. What more could I ask for? I began the challenge using up the obvious thanksgivings. However, I soon realized that those obvious things, only lasted a few days, and I found myself struggling to come up with new ideas. I also realized on the days I had great days with little complaints, it was much easier to be grateful than on the days that things didn't go exactly as I had planned.
Needless to say, I have learned a lot this month in the way of thanksgiving, and I'm excited to continue the lists for the remainder of the month.
I'm in awe of the goodness the Lord has poured out upon me. He's given me way more than I deserve, and the opportunities He's presented to me are far greater than I ever would have imagined for myself.
I am amazed that God would choose me, a sinner from a small town in northern Indiana, to spread His word and minister through living life side by side with Peruvians on the other side of the equator. Even though I have been there only about a total of 8 months, the impact Peru made on my heart will never be forgotten, and I pray that is true of my impact in Peru. I stand in worship and gratitude for God's goodness in providing money to send to Peru for the Oasis Christmas Outreach. I never imagined that after a week, the church would have given 3/4 of the money needed, and we still have 3 weeks left!! I'm grateful that even though I am physically distant, I am still able to help the Peruvian children and my Peruvian "family" that are dear to my heart.
I'm in awe of the one and only Savior who promises to always be with me and who guides my path each day. I would not who I am or where I am today without His love pressing me onward.
Just as the children's song goes: God is so good. He's so good to me!