I'm leaving for Peru in 13 days. Actually, to be exact, I'm leaving for Peru in 12 days, 16 hours, 4 minutes and 50 seconds. In the recent days I've been asked a wide range of questions pertaining to my trip, some have had easier responses than others, but they have all made me stop and think. I thought I'd take some time tonight to reflect over recent conversations and share some of them with others of you that might be wondering the same things.
1. When are you leaving and how long will you be gone? - My plane is scheduled for take off on July 2, at 9:47 a.m. out of Chicago. I am scheduled to then return to Chicago on August 1, at 1:50 a.m.
2. What are you going to do while you're there? - While I don't have any set in stone plans my tentative schedule allows me lots of time to just hang out and have a good time with those that are near and dear to my heart. I plan to attend my church there as much as possible, help out at the
Kids Alive home and family care centers, help out with
SIM events, and participate in whatever other ministry opportunities come my way. I also intend to spend large amounts of time with friends and travel to Mancora and Cuzco/Machu Picchu. Last but not least, I hope to spend some time on the beach learning to surf via my favorite surfing instructor ;)
3. Why do you always go back to Peru? Wouldn't it be more exciting to travel somewhere different? - This question has been asked to me quite a few times, and I'm certain that I give a different answer every time.
Let me first say that I love traveling, and I do desire to see other parts of the world. However, let me counteract that with the fact that if I'm spending large amounts of money to go somewhere, I want to make sure that my money is put to good use in spreading the gospel of Jesus to those I meet along the way. Now, could I do that on a normal vacation? Of course I could, although, at this time in my life, my heart aches for Peru on a daily basis. I don't feel that my work there is finished, and I feel called to return as time and money allow in order to continue to build relationships and share Jesus with my "family" there. Also, there are many parts of Peru that I have not yet seen, and like on this trip, I will be taking mini-vacations to some of those locations.
While I'm away there are many ways you can keep in touch with me. I have a U.S. phone number for my iPod that I can be reached at, so if you want that just ask. Also, I will be able to use email, Facebook and Skype and of course, I will try my best to keep you up to date via this blog. If you need or want any of my contact information for the techy gadgets please contact me, and I'll send you what you need to know :)
As I prepare for my time away I ask that you would please pray for my safety. I will be flying with a Spanish airline through Latin America which is a new experience for me. I'm a little bit nervous about this (especially my 3 hour layover in Columbia). Also, pray that I remain healthy during my short time there and pray that I would be able to effectively do whatever God places before me while in Peru. Thank you so much for taking interest in the happenings of my life and for lifting me up in prayer.
Now there are only 12 days, 15 hours, 30 minutes, and 53 seconds until I leave! How exciting! :)