47 days until I'm back in the other country I like to call home...PERU!!!
I love countdowns! I'm not sure it's a good thing, but it seems I'm always counting down something, looking forward to what's next. I used to think of myself as a future focused person because of all the countdowns I constantly had going on whether in my head or on paper. However, recently I've found myself living in the past, present, and future depending on the time of day.
I'm enjoying living in the moment at this point in time. I have been blessed with a great job (for a few months at least), I am surrounded by people who love me, I've made some wonderful friends (or gotten to know others better) since returning home, and I've gotten involved with Zumba which I absolutely love. I enjoy my life, and I look forward to each new day.
However, sometimes I wonder if I think way too much of my time in Peru. I'm always remembering the most random things. Some days it's my friends, some days it's the children who I fell in love with at Kids Alive, and occassionally I'll hear sounds or smell things as if I were there. Like yesterday for example...
I was sitting in my room, enjoying a very relaxing day when all the sudden I had a memory of a day out with a friend. However, the memory had nothing to do with what I did with that particular friend, but it dealt more with our departing and the what seemed to be LONG bus ride home. I remembered just what I was listening to on my iPod, the smell of the (I assume to be) drunk man next to me, and the kind, elderly woman who offered to hold my bag for me as I stood on the crowded bus. I closed my eyes to hold back tears as I longed to be there reliving the moment, and I was overcome by the sights I saw on the way home. As I rode the bus back to my apartment, I saw buildings I saw just about every other day (or at least every time I got out to this part of the city), but that night they weren't just buildings on the street. The sunset was so gorgeous behind them that the dust covered buildings glowed so brightly. I remember thinking of God in a new way that evening. I remember thinking, "If the sunset could make a dirty, old building look that good; then what could I look like if I allowed God to fully shine in me?" This day in general was a pivotal moment of my time in Peru. I believe it was this day, in the early part of October where I really began to feel completely comfortable in my surroundings. And on top of that, little did I know that that day would be just the beginning of a great friendship.
I am so blessed to have the opportunity to travel back to Peru for a few weeks this summer. I can't wait!!!
47 dias mas :D